Poppy pops in

September 25th, 2011 by brendan

Anita and Brucey joined us for a barbie in Palo Alto while they were in San Francisco on their way to Vegas. AND for Page to play with, they brought along their daughter Poppy, who is 6 weeks older than Page. Poppy is the first second cousin on the Gibson side that Page has met.

We cooked up some Wild Salmon, roast peppers, eggplant, potatoes and mushrooms, and Alex made a green salad from produce from the Saturday Farmer’s Market.

Page was been able to walk for a month, but has not been too confident about it. That is, until she saw Poppy walking. Nothing like a little bit of healthy competition to get her walking everywhere.

Page was gracious enough to share her toys with Poppy. It is so nice to see them making friends and grinning at each other.

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