PAIFF Update

February 17th, 2012 by alex

Hi Friends & Family!

I am overjoyed by the recent successes of PAIFF. Everyday has seemed like Xmas with all the support from the Palo Alto and film community. Here are a couple highlights:

– We are in talks with Ford who will be ‘owning’ the Festival. They are opening a research center in Palo Alto, its a perfect fit and will bring us in OVER our fundraising goals. YES!
– We have a very dynamic Talk program where we will host 10 conversations between Hollywood celebrities and Silicon Valley tech professionals. Variety, The New York Times Talks, and Fast Company are all signing on a media partners. HUGE win for us! I can’t wait to share the lineup…
– And the best news of all is that we are blessed to have the support of a company called Palantir, they are a Palo Alto company worth loads of money and help the gov’t fight terrorism (or something like that). They have given us the biggest gift all by converting the Varsity Theater BACK into a theater for us to use!!!!!!!!!!! The Varsity was converted into a Borders bookstore in the early 90’s. It is now being restored into a state of the art theater. We will be able to use all year long for our film series, etc. But it will be ready this summer and will be our main PAIFF venue.

Lots more updates to come and I will keep you posted. But today I get to hang with my sweet little girl, time to head to the library for story time!

One Response to “PAIFF Update”

  1. Craig says:

    Congratulations, this is great news.

    Who are your four friends?

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