Today was brilliant

February 25th, 2012 by alex

Today was brilliant. I will try and count the ways.
– Page told us she had to go peepee and went peepee! When we got all excited, she did a casual shrug and a “Ya” like she was a pro already
– Brendan went with me and Page to get coffee at our fav coffee shop (he usually doesn’t go as he doesn’t like coffee)
– Brendan and Page dropped me off at home and left me home alone by MYSELF for almost 3 hours. I watched a movie, stared at the ceiling and took a nap, amazing. The troops went shopping and bought the most adorable shoes and clothes for Page, she was so excited when she came home to show me her new shoes. The girl definitely likes to shop.
– We all went together to the new library and got some new library cards, the library world has come a long way since the Dewey Decimal System.
– We walked down to lake on the way home and watched the sun set
– Came home, listened to some tunes, popped in a pizza, played night-night with the bears
– Page asked (what is THIS?) to go to sleep at 6:45 without one whimper or complaint

Ok, so no rad bike rides or world record mountain climbs, but I’ll take today over any day. It was perfect.

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