Aptos Saturday and 35 week bump

March 24th, 2013 by alex

It’s getting harder to move around. If I had my way I would be horizontal all day long. This baby has some serious strong kicks. But I am trying to not be a complete sloth so Brendan’s job is to motivate me to get out and get moving. Saturday we drove down to Aptos and met some friends at Burger. There is nothing like a good burger to motivate me these days! Afterwards we took the kiddos for a sunset walk down at the beach.

We are down to the last month, YAY! We have almost everything in place at home. We just have to dust off a few things, strollers, car seats. etc. Page has grown up so quickly, we are excited to report that we have reached two major milestones. She is now potty trained and she is sleeping in her own bed ALL NIGHT! We still struggle trying to get her to sleep. She is the master of procrastinating and it still could take up to two hours before she actually drifts off. But its a step in the right direction and just in time!

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Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 9.39.51 AMThis image captures Page’s personality, cheeky monkey!

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Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 9.38.49 AM35 week bump! So close…

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