Hot Moms in the Mountains

February 25th, 2014 by brendan

Hot Mom Alex organised a weekend trip to the mountains with our friends from our New York trip, Hot Mom Julie, Monkeyfish and Hot Dad David.

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The Squaw Valley tram was worth the ride. Sienna and Alex tagged along, while Page and I skied at the top of the mountain.




Page and Monkeyfish.




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Sienna had a bit of a cold, probably due to even more teeth coming through. She perked up on Sunday, watching Page ski at Soda Springs.





6 Responses to “Hot Moms in the Mountains”

  1. GG says:

    So cute to see Page skiing.
    Alex, how much weight have you lost?
    I have never seen your face so thin.

  2. Cousin James says:

    I want to go to the snow!! 🙁

  3. Grandma Anne says:

    Well done Page. You will have to teach me

  4. Craig says:

    Sienna to teach me? I am sure she was watching and learning.

  5. alex says:

    Mom, I think its more of the nearing 40 gaunt look. But yes, working out like crazy these days and trying to keep up with these two is definitely doing the trick!

  6. Edwin says:

    Holy moley! Page seems a natural on the frozen rain. Amazing!

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