38 week bump and our last weekend alone evah

July 27th, 2010 by alex

Brendan and I were chillin’ at home on the couch last Thursday night when we realized that we had just one more weekend left alone, just the two of us. My Mom and little sister are coming this weekend from Mexico to spend the month of August in San Francisco. And Baby P will show up shortly after they arrive… It was this realization that brought on a slight panic attack and closing of the throat and the decision that we needed get out of town for a night.

We drove north on Highway 1, snaking through Marin County and up onto the Sonoma Coast. As soon as we hit the top of Marin County, we hit fog. Apparently July and August are the worst months to visit the coast. Then we ventured down into the coastal towns of Stinson Beach, Point Reyes and our final destination of Bodega Bay. Bodega Bay was the sleepy little coastal town where Alfred Hitchcock shot The Birds. It had a bit of a creepy feel to it but I quickly forgot once I settled into my massage pressie from Brendan. Ahhhhhhh… You have no idea how badly I needed that and it was the best massage evah.

The old saying “The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer in San Francisco” proved true. Our idea of a dinner picnic on the beach to watch the sunset turned into a seafood dinner in and a cozy night curled up next to the fire in our room watching Sideways, which we thought they must have on constant repeat due to the fact we were in the heart of wine country. Slightly boring and cliche? Yes, but a welcome distraction from the panic attack rising up in my throat.

Sunday we took our time in the morning. Brendan ate enough breakfast for four people as usual and we ventured off to find the picture perfect beach I had seen on the internets. My masseuse recommended Shell Snake Beach. Really? Well, we took some silly pictures and had some laughs and then Brendan got hungry again and we went to find one of the Oyster shacks we had seen on the way up. Yum! Fresh raw and BBQ oysters, crab sandwich, clam chowder and a special appearance by Steve Zissou. Oh, the many hipsters you will find in and around San Francisco. With our bellies full we hopped back into the car and back into sunny Palo Alto. The next time we venture out there will be three of us. Crazy. And I cannot wait.

Soon to be Superstar


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