Healthy baby girl!

August 23rd, 2010 by brendan

3:07am 51cm 3.4kg

7 Responses to “Healthy baby girl!”

  1. Anne Gibson says:

    Isn’t she beautiful! Congratulations. Love and best wishes to all.

  2. Jodie says:

    Oh congratulations! It looks like Alex is holding little baby Craig! What a spitting image! How beautiful is she?!! Well done Alex and Brendan she is gorgeous x x Jodie

  3. Gorgeous, both of you!!!!!!! xoxoxooxooxoo to the new family!!!

  4. Thought this was perfect from ‘This Day in History’:

    Aug. 23, 1963 : Beatles release “She Loves You” in UK

    People in History born on Aug. 23:
    1940 Galen Rowell, American Photographer
    1947 Keith Moon, English rock drummer
    1970 River Phoenix, Madras Ore, actor
    1979 Ritchie Neville, musician
    — a lot of artists born this day!!!
    & to the packer fans in your family: 1975 Joe Andruzzi, NFL guard, Green Bay Packers Superbowl 3 ;o) (saw the cute tee shirt on your blog)

  5. Toni Finco says:

    She’s so beautiful and she looks so alert. Congratulations!

  6. Cheryl says:

    Yea!! Congratulations!! Such a beauty. Nice work there, Alex and Brendan. I cannot wait to meet her. It is a day of firsts and parental tears. This morning you just gave birth to your beautiful baby girl and I just sent mine off to the first day of kindergarten. Enjoy every moment — including all of the sleepless nights and hopelsss moments of trying to figure out what to do…. It goes WAY too fast.
    Love you guys!!

  7. alex says:

    Thanks Jodie! Craig and Anne arrive today and we’ll have to do an in person comparison. She does have these facial expressions that look a lot like Brendan and Brendan says they look like Craig. My Mom also thinks she looks like her and my Dad thinks she looks like him 🙂 Its so hard to tell! I hope you and Martin are doing well. xoxo.

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