Archive for the ‘Life in San Francisco’ Category

Granma Sam is here again

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Thanks to Granma Sam for looking after Page last night. Was so beautiful to hear the two of you cooing at each other this morn’. The big belly laughs from Page were the best ones yet 🙂

Dad rode a bike and Page rode a pony

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Brendan woke up early to meet Bobby and Meegan so the boys could ride Levi’s GranFondo. It was a grueling 106 mile road race. Brendan came in at 5 hours and 42 minutes, faster than Levi! Apparently it was all worth it due to the enormous amount of Paella that was given out after they finished the race.

Page and I drove up to Santa Rosa after sleeping in a bit. We met Meegan and spent the day listening to music and lounging in the shade. Page also got to ride her first pony, after all, Dad did say he promised her a pony if she got in the bathtub. So she got a head start, not sure she knew what was going on… She was such a good girl this day, I think she was a bit exhausted from all the excitement as she slept almost the whole day away on Sunday.

McSweaty vs. McDreamy

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010



I think you know who wins… (Meegs, you are right he is at least 5’10”)

Working w/ the Babe – Cupertino Style

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Noone said this would be easy.

We have a big Conference for work on Friday so I have been going in everyday to try and help get things done. I have been bringing Page everyday and she has been a joy, although I must admit I get that guilty feeling when she gets restless and I don’t have time to play with her, but I just hope she doesn’t mind playing alone with her bunny bear or her squeaky zebra. She doesn’t seem to mind and all the interns get their turn trying to sooth her if things are really going south.

One of our speakers at our Conference is a documentary photographer, Doug Menuez. He is presenting his work from his collection called Fearless Genius. His work spans 15 years behind-the-scenes in Silicon Valley and documents the daily lives of engineers, venture capitalists, and marketing and PR masters as they developed new technology that challenged the world. He shipped us a box of printed cards that we were to add to the goody bags for all the guests. Browsing through his vintage shots of Bill Gates, John Sculley, and Steve Jobs, one of his images hit home. Its an image back in 1983 in Cupertino of an Apple programmer Sarah Clarke who often brought her newborn baby to work. Her office had curtains over the glass windows so her fellow workers knew when it was naptime.

My guilt seemed to melt away and suddenly it was all making sense.


Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Getting Page all excited for a little photoshoot for our many thank you’s we will be sending out. She is now sitting up right and holding her head up high. This morning we played for a good 30 minutes playing high five and kiss-a-kiss games. Then we went for a walk downtown and she peered at all the tall trees above. She is taking it all in…

You are how?

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

I told myself, never baby talk, would I, well, that did work not. Smiling a lot now and laughs every now and then, Page is. She does its the first thing when she wakes up and the last thing she does as she falls asleep. In happy baby mode with a bit of Yoda face in the middle there, she here is. And yes, obnoxious, I sound obnoxious. Help myself, cannot. Hmmmmmm.

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(I am hoping someone gets this)

Tuckered out

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Page had her first day at the PAI offices. Only in SF can I take my baby to the office. Pretty cool!

Duelin’ Granpas

Friday, September 24th, 2010

After the epic battle over Page in Duelin’ Granmas, we bring you the eagerly anticipated “Duelin’ Granparents II: Gougin’ Granpas”! Available Now on Netflix!

A damp squib, really. Too much smilin’, not nearly enough gougin’ – 1 star.

The Ippolite boys are in town

Friday, September 24th, 2010

My Dad and brothers Cris, Cole and Cole’s girlfriend Mandy came to town to see Page. We have been having fun hanging out and relaxing. Page is loving all the attention. Cole is like the baby whisperer… Anytime Page is fussy, Cole just works his magic on her and our happy baby is back.

There has been a lot of talk about vegemite so Brendan made up some vegemite toast for the troops to try. I think they liked it!

I miss you already Granma Gibson

Friday, September 24th, 2010