Archive for the ‘Life in San Francisco’ Category

500 million

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

We are pretty sure that there aren’t 500 million of you reading this site.

We think that’s a good thing.

One of the guys in this picture does have 500 million people looking at his site. Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of facebook. facebook, who today announced that they now have 500 million people using their site.

A, wee and myself went down to the Computer History Museum to see the CEO of our little town’s most famous company be interviewed by Guy Raz of National Public Radio, and David Kirkpatrick who has just written a book about facebook. Alex was able to arrange free tickets for the three of us through her contacts at the Palo Alto Institute, which I am very grateful for.

To me, it was refreshing to see how awkward and unpolished Mark Zuckerberg was. He is just a 26 year old computer engineer. You could have plucked that same character from any company in Silicon Valley, but he happens to be the CEO of a gigantic internet presence. My perception of his lack of guile gave me the sense that he is not out there to be evil, sell your private information, and take over the world, but rather that he is just a geek who wants to solve “cool” engineering problems (that still doesn’t mean I am going back on facebook for now).

While it was great being there, and soaking up the culture of Silicon Valley, it was also a bit boring at times. Mark Zuckerberg is not a great speaker, and David Kirkpatrick had the ego to think that everyone had come to see him, so he spoiled the interview with his continuous interjections. His lack of objectivity (he is a facebook fanboy) did not entice us to run and buy his new book. After reading Ben Mezrich’s Accidental Billionaires (new film) we thought it might have been good to get a fresh perspective, however I suspect his book would just be corporate PR.

There were the usual questions about privacy and groups; where the company will be in 5, 20 years time; how he has the time to be a real CEO; what he thought of the new film; and my question, where I asked him when was the last time he coded. Inane, but I felt that my question needed to be in order to get asked. He answered that he helped solve some bugs last year.

Some interesting stuff:

  • People in Pakistan want to hang him for allowing cartoons of Mohammed on facebook. Mark Zuckerberg thinks that is funny (and I suspect “kindacool”)
  • He is only interested in living in a house where he can walk to work
  • He said that he donated money to Diaspora, a potential competitor
  • Mark Zuckerberg has a girlfriend, and has been dating her for years
  • He replied “That was just a sentence I said” in response to a difficult question
  • Mark Zuckerberg says “Yeh” almost as much as Martin and Jody

37 week bump

Friday, July 16th, 2010

I am pretty sure she has dropped as my ribs are finally pain free after many months of discomfort. Maybe this is nature’s way of tricking you into thinking, “Hey, this isn’t so bad after all!” I have been strangely euphoric the past fews days, then I Googled birth videos and now I am just nervous. I shouldn’t have done that.

Grandpa came to town!

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

So happy to have my Dad here for a couple days. He is an amazing man and has done so much for me, especially these last two years. So much has changed and all for the better, all thanks to this wonderful man.

Grandpa and Brendan testing out the new stroller. We have the Mac Daddy of all strollers coming soon – the Chariot! But this will do us good for trips around town. And its imprinted with Winnie the Pooh in honor of Great Grandma Winifred from Australia.

The countdown begins

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

It’s official, we are having a baby and I have cankles and I waddle. My half mile walk to work may as well be the 30 mile (49 km) Grand Canyon day hike I did just one short year ago (Brendan ran the 50 miles (81 km)). My lungs have disappeared under my ribs somewhere making the one flight of stairs to my office seem like the 6000 foot (1828 meter) acsent from the Colorado River to the rim of the North Canyon. My iPhone apps have graduated from “What to Expect When You are Expecting” to “Labor and Contraction Timer”. We have purchased everything from baby wipe warmers to size 1 Havaianas butterfly flip flops. We have a suitcase prepared and the quickest route to the hospital mapped out. And now we wait.

I will admit most of the time I wish these last few weeks would just hurry up and be over with. But secretly its these last few weeks I cherish, hanging out with my best friend for hours at a time daydreaming about what life will be like when all the aches and pains fade away. A mix of nervousness and excitement. Oh, the places we will go…

Two more reasons why we love living here

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Adventures in job hunting while 8 months pregnant

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A few weeks back I was browsing Craigslist for a new puppy (don’t tell Brendan). All I could find were pitbull mixes so my eye wandered over to the jobs section. I clicked on the Film category and found an interesting job listing for a Film Fest coordinator for Palo Alto. This piqued my interest so I sent them my resume. About a week later they responded and asked me to come in for an interview.

To my great surprise the Palo Alto Institute was only 3 blocks from our house. I hopped on my bike and rode over. It was a really warm humid day and when I got off the bike and climbed the stairs to the office I was a bit disheveled and out of breath. As I looked for the bathroom to freshen up, someone opened the door to the office and I had no other option but to get the interview started. All eyes in the room immediately went straight to my huge belly. So in order to ease the awkwardness in the room, I said, “Hi, I am Alex and I am 8 months pregnant and out of breath.”

The interview went really well and they asked me back to meet the remaining board members a few days later. I walked this time, giving myself enough time to get there so I didn’t appear frazzled like before. I walked into the conference room and every chair was taken by a middle aged man in a suit – about 15 of them and one woman. Everyone had a chance to introduce themselves. Apparently they were all investors from Palo Alto Investors, the company that is solely funding the Palo Alto Institute. Each introduction was peppered with Standford, MIT, Harvard, PhD, MBA… Palo Alto Institute is the organization that will be starting the Palo Alto Film Festival. Palo Alto Investors was started by William Edwards whose father was one of the founding venture capitalists of Silicon Valley. They were the guys behind Apple, Intel, Cisco, Genetech, Atari, Tandem, and many others. Wow, ok, sign me up! The interview lasted almost 3 hours and was a brain storming session on just about everything. I left there thinking, “What just happened?”

Two days ago they asked me to come back and offered me a job. For the remainder of the year, we will be building the foundations of the organization. My responsibilities will include building the website, iPhone applications, video library and database applications. Starting in 2010, we will be starting the Film Festival. How exciting to be on the ground floor and with an organization backed by a powerhouse of a corporation.

I guess I was too afraid of looking for a new job and being so pregnant, who would hire someone that late in the pregnancy game? Yes, this is going to be a huge challenge when our little one is born. But it seems too good to let this one pass me by. We will figure it out!

Road Trip to Durango

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Last week, we went to Durango for Mel and Mutch’s wedding, and our own Baby Shower with Alex’s friends. Given that we had a week, it made sense to make a road trip adventure out of the drive.

Thursday afternoon: Palo Alto to Yosemite

A later start than expected as Alex was busy impressing the Palo Alto Institute board.

We wound our way east, avoiding traffic and nabbed our spot at the Hodgdon Meadows camping area with Yosemite. The campsite was the only one available in the whole of Yosemite for the month of June. We were lucky to get it.

Friday: Yosemite

Friday morning’s experience made both of us remember why we try to avoid camping in designated campgrounds. At 7:15am, our neighbour, in his big RV, decided to start running the engine. I was sleeping outside, in the fresh air, that quickly turned to Carbon Monoxide. I was able to get him to turn it off by banging on his window. Later, when he stepped out of his leviathan, he explained to me that the campground regulations specifically said that he was entitled to start his engine at 7:15am in order to recharge the batteries. I told him that was nice, but that my unborn daughter had different views. We quickly became firm friends.

Yosemite was recently voted the most scenic place for a traffic jam in the lower 48. Yosemite earned that award because there are many pleasant rocks to look at. See the pictures. Dad, Alex has set you a challenge.

Friday evening: Nevada

Out of Yosemite, we stopped at a Lee Vining servo for the best fish tacos in the world. Yes, really. Then across the rollercoaster ride of Hwy 6 through Tonopah and down the Extra-Terrestrial Hwy to camp in Caliente. We stayed in a campsite* that was empty except for our extremely friendly camp host, Lars.

* Handy fact: Some Nevada maps show Wilderness Areas as green circles. Campsites are shown as green triangles.

Saturday: Zion

Zion: full and raining, so we stayed in a hotel. When the weather cleared we took the bus trip up the canyon, saw some rocks, then adjourned for an excellent dinner at Parallel 88

Sunday: The Grand Staircase

From Zion, through Ruby Canyon, Escalante, Boulder is probably one of the most beautiful drives in the world. Especially if you like looking at rocks. For us, it was made even more beautiful by the people we met along the way, particularly one young girl who we were fortunate to meet in Escalante.

Alex and I stopped at the interesting and informative Escalante Visitor’s Center for a pregnant lady break. As we walked out of the center, a young lady approached Alex and said

“How exciting! You’re having a baby! All my friends are too!”.

Alex smiled and said that she was indeed having a baby, and that she was looking forward to meeting her. Our new friend replied

“Can I give you a hug?”

They hugged and the girl passed Alex a note with a pretty yellow flower. It was so touching that complete strangers (from Boulder) would reach out to Alex like that.

Monday: Durango

After staying in a tiny campsite that didn’t even fit our two-man tent at Natural Bridges National Park, we drove the park circuit, saw some rocks, and then crossed the border into Colorado, and our destination, Durango where we stayed in Kennan and Cheryl’s off-the-grid cabin.

31 week ultrasound

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

I went in for the 31 week ultrasound today. She weighs 4 pounds and is healthy. The doc said everything looks perfect. She has the chubbiest cheeks (like her Mom) and the fattest toes (like her Dad). They moved the due date up to Aug. 10 again, PHEW!

The Xx

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Alex has only one annoying trait.

She likes to play one song repeatedly if it pleases her. There are a few songs that I like on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th play, but start to get a little weary of it on the 6th. I know now that if we ever play any Bon Iver, Pete Murray or The Xx then the MP3 player will go retro and sound like a broken record.

It was with some anticipation of this behaviour that we lobbed into the Great American Music Hall in the city to see The Xx live. I hadn’t listened to The Xx play one song to the next, and it was a treat to hear the variation. They didn’t repeat a single track. Though with such a short set, they would have had time to. How do you make that happen in a concert?

We got the Pregger’s Pass seating on the balcony and in the back corner. I don’t think they would have heard us from there if we had shouted that Alex wanted them to repeat.

The Great American Music Hall has a name that belongs in Nashville, and a decor that would not be out of place in Victorian London. It holds close to a thousand punters which is about right for the balance between intimacy and atmosphere in my opinion.

The Xx put on a mellow, moody show with plenty of deep deep bass, and lighting to enhance the mood. The sound was great and I was so happy to hear that song, that I’ve heard over, and over, and over …

29 week bump!

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

We went for a hike around Hubbart Park in Woodside. Stopped off at the swingset – figured we might as well get used to hanging around these parts of the park…