Archive for the ‘Life in San Francisco’ Category

Lost in the woods

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Yesterday was a beautiful, clear blue, 70 degree day so I thought I would go off and explore the Foothills Preserve a bit more after our lunch time teaser hike on Tuesday. I hiked up Steep Hallow trail and the air was filled with the fresh scent of lilac bushes blooming in all directions, just delightful.

I was enjoying myself so much I decided to keep going up over the ridge and back down into the next Valley. About an hour later I made it to a large creek and found a man playing with his two dogs and I asked him what to expect if I kept going further on the trail. He said I was half-way done so I thought, “Great, another hour and I’ll be back at the car”. I ascended the steep trail up and up and up. Finally I could see that I was getting to the top, I thought to myself, “I must be near the car”, after all it was 6:45 and the evening light was fading. To my surprise I came across a sign that said “3.4 miles back to the Steep Hallow trail”. Oh no, I was 3.4 miles away and I didn’t know if it was the start of the trail or the end of the trail. I had about a minute of panic. I didn’t want to head back out onto the trail, because it was getting dark and well, there were critters in there and big critters from all the mountain lion warning signs I had passed. I saw a car on a road in the distance so I thought, “Worse case scenario, I can hitchhike if it gets too dark”. So I walked down to the road, down and down and down. About 7:45 I made it to the park entrance, thank god! I had been walking for 4 hours and it was just about dark and I knew they closed the gate to the park so I didn’t want to be stuck inside. About 100 feet into the park I saw the park ranger pull up, and since I still had another mile to get to my car, I thought, “Yay! He will give me ride to my car”. No such luck! All he said was, “You can probably still make it to your car in time before we shut the gate.” I even tried to throw in a pitiful, “I’m cold” remark, but he wasn’t giving into my poor trip planning dilemma. So I started to run. And running while 6 months pregnant has got to be one of the most uncomfortable and awkward things I can remember doing. For all you men out there, imagine running frantically through the airport with your two allowed carry-on bags and the extra one you managed to sneak through… And amidst this frenzy to get to the car, I couldn’t pass up the chance to shoot this deer who was standing near me so I got out my phone and snapped a quick shot.

The last know image of this deer alive.

And then that is when I saw it, on the top of the ridge just behind the deer, a large animal – moving slowly and moving like a cat, a very, very big cat. “OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG.” They say not to run away from a lion, but I ran faster than any pregnant woman should and I wasn’t looking back. It was 5 minutes of feeling like I was in shark infested waters and wondering if I was going to make it to the car. And then there it was, My Savior, my beautiful black Passat. I kissed the bumper, jumped in and got the heck outta there.

Was my mind playing tricks on me? I don’t know, but I swear that wasn’t a house cat or a cow or a deer. Upon returning home, I googled “Mountain Lion + Palo Alto” and scared myself with all the stories. Brendan is convinced it was a squirrel.

Missed one

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Haley just came over, put her head on the keyboard, and looked at me.  I think she may be reminding me that it’s not just A, B, and wee.

She has had a rough time over the last week.  To be honest, I didn’t think I would see her after she was in the hospital a week ago.  She has got much better since then.  She’s still a little unsure of herself in the new house, but she has got her energy back and knows where the jerky/lamb’s blood comes from i.e. me

First day in Palo Alto

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

My first day in Palo Alto and I was in a bit of a fog from the previous days drive. Luckily our new couch and coffee table arrived early, I knew that would be my napping spot for when the afternoon fatigue set in. I strolled the main drag of University Ave. in Palo Alto, quickly honing in what will soon become my regular hot spots; Apple store, Red Mango, University Cafe… The street was alive with a mix of young hip Stanford University students, well dressed business men, Moms with strollers and many different languages to be heard. I found myself getting lots of smiles from people I would walk past, I had been covering up with layers of clothes in Park City and now that I can de-layer, my baby bump is showing – its amazing how nice people are when the bump is showing. I might just have to make a mold for a later date… Closer to home I visited the local grocery store, Willow Store, it was delightful, only a block away and it had everything I could ever need… especially the large supply of Nutella that was on sale. After a quick nap at home, I ventured off to The Arastradero Preserve, a beautiful oak and grassland preserve with various hiking/running/biking loops.

The recent rains have left the rolling hills very lush and green.

This sign stopped me in my tracks for a moment. Yikes!

After the hike, I made it back home in time to meet Brendan. After 3 months of living apart, it was so nice to have him there at the end of the day! We ventured off to University Ave. and hit a local hot spot for a yummy dinner of Paella. On the way back home we hit Shokolate and bought a box of little chocolates to take home and enjoy.

We made it!

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

I woke up to my last day in Park City to a foot of fresh snow and thought to myself this is going to be the last day I have to shovel snow off the car – Yay! I quickly packed up my temporary apartment and loaded everything into the car, just enough room for everything, including a nice cozy space for The Haley Monster, my constant companion. After begging my boss to “fire me” on my last day so I could get out of dodge before nightfall and many hugs and a few tears, we were on the road by 2PM. So long Park City, not sure when we will see you again…

I was so anxious to get out of town I thought I would gas up in the next big town of Wendover, NV. Well, there was absolutely no towns in between and I ran out of gas 20 minutes out of Wendover, NV. The nice Mr. Tow Truck Driver made me feel a bit better by letting me know I was the fifth person that day to run out of gas so close to town. Gassed up and ready to roll, I thought I would make up for lost time and was driving maybe just a tad bit too fast and lone and behold Mr. Police Man decided to pull me over. Being pregnant comes with so many benefits, especially in this sort of situation, I just showed my big belly and he softened up, just a warning and no ticket! The rest of the trip was quite uneventful. I pulled into Palo Alto around 3 AM, onto our sleepy little street and into our driveway. Boy, was I happy to see the house. The phrase “Home, Sweet Home”, has never had more meaning than at that moment…