Archive for the ‘Life in San Francisco’ Category

5 Years Today!

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

I was lucky to meet Brendan. What a fabulous 5 years it has been! We celebrated by putting an offer down on a house! Fingers crossed we get it…

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Beanie Baby

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

The girl does look good in a hat!


Adieu, Auf Wiedersehn, Ciao, We’ll see you soon.

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Good Bye Grandma and Grandpa Gibson. We had the most amazing month with you. We’ll see you soon when Sienna is walking and Page is reading and Brendan and Alex are…


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We will miss you Nic!

Saturday, July 20th, 2013

Page has been hanging out at Nic’s house a couple times a week. These two have so much fun together! I am taking the girls back to Wisconsin for 6 weeks to work production on an indie film directed by Gil Cates, Jr. He recently co-Produced the film JOBS. Its a fantastic cast an crew and excited to share updates on our little adventure. And I am already looking forward to Brendan’s visits!

2 babes in nyc

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

We made it to NYC. We had a fun dinner with the other couples. The show will be taped tomorrow and shown on Friday. If you are in for some laughs definitely tune into the Today Show on Friday. The segment will appear in the 4th hour.


We need a new blog name

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Any suggestions?

Urban Hiking & 26 week bump!

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Today we had a little adventure day in the city. We thought we would do some urban hiking and explore areas we haven’t yet seen. We started at Kite Hill, then hiked up to Twin Peaks, then down to Sutro Tower, over to Tank Hill, down the Pemberton stairs and then we finished up at Seward Mini Park for the best part, a few runs down a slide designed by a 14 year old.

A beautiful day in the city, on top of Kite Hill

The long steep hike up to Twin Peaks

26 week bump pics up top of Tank Hill

Mountain girl

A little rest at the bottom of Pemberton Stairs

One of many runs down Seward Slide

Birthday Day Date

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

For Brendan’s Birthday we decided to have a “Day Date”. We dropped the monkey off at school and split to the City. We had a fabulous breakfast at Tartine Cafe in the Mission.

We then ventured off to Lands End and took a lovely hike to Ocean Beach.

And time for the 18 week bump pic! I am feeling BIG!  Also a nice pic of the birthday boy looking as charming as ever… Last stop was to the WaterBar for oysters! We left the City by 4 and made it back to school to pick up the little one. Its nice to spend the day away for ourselves, but we sure missed her!


Hop, Hop, Hop

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

I learned to hop!



PAIFF Program Announcement Kick-off Party

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Brendan and I had a rare night away from Page and were whisked away to the Stonebrook Castle for the PAIFF Kick-off Party. We were fortunate enough to have Brendan’s mate from school, Sebastian, visiting us so he was designated Brendan’s wing-man while I schmoozed with the attendees. It was a huge success, over 300 VIP’s in attendance. I felt like Cinderella for the night as I was loaned some gorgeous diamond earrings from our jewelry sponsor.

You can download a video of me premiering the Festival Trailer that Brendan and I worked on – it was so cool to see it on the big screen! The video is 313 MB so it will take awhile to download…

One of our Sponsors also sent me this video from a moment in our Program Announcement where I had to plug their amazing application they developed for the Festival.

All the event pics are here –

My favorite are these:

Me w/ 2 filmmakers, Betsy Franco and Kristin Kueter. Betsy is the mom of actors Dave and James Franco.


What a good looking crew! Sebastian, our recent newlywed friends, Erik and Lindsey Toth. Brendan and Erik met at Netflix, we try to hang out with these 2 as much as possible.


The boys around the Bugatti, this is what a $2 million car looks like. Wow!

Now its all about spending time w/ Grandma Sam and Carson up in San Francisco for the rest of the week and getting ready for a certain someone’s 2nd birthday!!!!