Archive for the ‘Life in San Francisco’ Category

This one’s for the girls

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Page is honoured to be Bobby and Meegan’s flower girl at their upcoming wedding.

She will be wearing a dress made from Meegan’s mothers own wedding dress.




PAIFF Film Series Kick-off a success!

Friday, March 30th, 2012

We launched a film series for PAIFF where we will showcase one film a month leading up to the Festival. We chose INDIE GAME: THE MOVIE for our first event, it is a wonderful doc about indie gamers struggling to get to the top of the gaming world. The event was awesome, a sold out, enthusiastic crowd.

Before the film started, a father and his son arrived. The father had only one ticket and approached Brendan to see if he had an extra ticket, luckily Brendan was able to point out there was someone near by who was trying to sell their extra ticket. During the Q&A w/ the filmmakers, the boy got up and asked a question, he was SO excited to be there and to be able to speak with the filmmakers and the subject (hero) of the film. Its moments like that that make me very happy.


My first wellies

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012


Thursday, January 12th, 2012

I am loving the Cowbird community! The two stories I have wrote have been featured as well as placed on the home page. Take a look, the tags are “Girls” and “Handsome”. This has helped me work on my photography again and I just love the format. Jonathan Harris is a force and so proud to be a part of this project!

The talkative one

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Starting the pack

Thursday, December 1st, 2011


Our new house

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

We found a beautiful new house up in the Los Gatos Hills. It a short bike ride to/from Brendan’s work, a bit of a commute for me, but its worth it. Its a 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a garage and workshop on one acre of land. We went today to scope out the area. Its on Black Rd, a 2400 foot climb that Brendan is very excited about. Its close to many trails, which I am excited about. It is built along a creek, we can’t wait to open the windows in spring to hear the creek go by. They are still doing cleanup inside, new paint and carpets. We get to move in on Dec. 5th. Just in time to visit one of the many Christmas tree farms on Black Rd. and have a tree up for Page. Oh, and lots of vineyards nearby, too. Come visit!

Brendan’s B-day Hike

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

My loves!

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Now that the Festival is over, I am happy to be a wife and Mum again.

In one week we head to Oz for a month of family-time, wedding parties, and island hopping!!!!!

Then its back home to plan Festival 2012 – we just got the green-light today. It was a huge success, our team was amazing…

Here are a few of my favorite pix…

The real excitement in Palo Alto

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

The real excitement in Palo Alto has not been the film festival this weekend.

What the people truly were anticipating was the harvesting of the Jerusalem Artichoke!

From a seedling it grew to over 3 metres high.

And gave us a bucket of produce, which went well with the creamed leek and prosciutto, sweet potato, and farmer’s market chicken tonight.

We is so gormett!