Archive for the ‘Ball and Chain’ Category

Dream Job!

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Today is a great day! I started consulting with newly renovated Los Gatos Theater. The theater is absolutely gorgeous, completely gutted and remodeled inside and out. The theater was going to be torn down and turned into commercial space, but a Sequoia Capital VC bought the building to keep the theater alive.

I’ll be working with the owner to build their special events program and help produce the events. The goal is to also have a film festival down the road. The best part is that I can work from home so I still have the flexibility to be with the girls. Eek, so excited!

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Mountain Girl Winery?

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

We are testing our first batch of wine before we make the big commitment of planting a bunch of vines. Brendan bought me a wine making kit for Valentine’s Day… So cute. I came home on V-day and Page rushed out to meet me at the car. “Mom, Mom, hearts, hearts!” Page and Brendan had laid a trail of hearts that led from the car to the downstairs bathroom where a ton of wine making equipment was awaiting. We dove into the science experiment last night and produced our first batch of Pinot Grigio. In a couple months we will find out how well we fared.

What do you like better… Mountain Girl Winery, Shady Vines, Sierra Azul Vineyards…

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Santa Barbara

Sunday, March 9th, 2014


Katie sent us some great photos from Santa Barbara over New Years, love these!

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Blank Canvas

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

The septic tank is in and now we can start planning the landscaping.

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Page was excited because she nows has a stage! This area will be where we fence in our veggie garden. Above this area will be the two new decks going in.

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Where Brendan and Page are standing will be the veggie garden, underneath that we will have a play area with grass. We are removing the existing decks off the house and adding in 2 new decks.

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This is our lower yard where we will add a jungle gym, picnic table and a trampoline.

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This is the yard from the large lower flat spot looking up to the house. Next step is putting on the retaining walls and the stairs!


Page’s First Running Race – Jenny’s Light Fun Run

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Page was a superstar and ran her first 1km race today. She ran the whole way! Mom and Dad (w/ double stroller) ran the 10km for a non-profit called Jenny’s Light. Its a super sad story, couldn’t help but tear up. Its an organization that raises money for postpartum depression after our friend Becky’s twin sister took her own life and also her newborn son. Ugh. But we had a blast running together. Brendan came in second in his age group and he was pushing 50+ pounds! I came in 23rd in my age group, I should probably start training!







5 Years Today!

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

I was lucky to meet Brendan. What a fabulous 5 years it has been! We celebrated by putting an offer down on a house! Fingers crossed we get it…

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Road Trip!

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

We rented an RV to take all our bikes and the girls on a whirlwind trip to Logan and Park City, UT and then down to Telluride, Silverton, Durango and Pagosa Springs, CO. We are so excited to see the mountains and good friends!

Last chance to donate for Alex’s MS Ride!

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Alex is riding 80 miles on Saturday and Sunday to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis.

Donate here!


Sunday, June 16th, 2013

What a fun trip to NYC! It was a bit of a whirlwind but we had a great time. We took the redeye and arrived early Wednesday AM. We were able to get into the hotel early which was a relief, pumping and traveling can definitely be tricky. We had a few hours to kill before dinner with the NBC people and other couples, so we walked to Chelsea and had lunch.

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The Today Show experience was very sweet and fun. The other Dads were really great guys. We made some new friends, Julie and David also live in the Bay Area and have a 2 year old daughter. We hit it off right away. David is a film producer and Julie works as a consultant. We are psyched to meet up with them again up in SF.

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The Today Show was a bit silly, of course, but fun. It was really interesting to get a behind the scenes look at the production. You will have to ask Brendan what he thought, but he was definitely relieved when it was over. But its a Father’s Day we will never forget. You can get a glimpse of the other winners here. If you want to watch a recap of the show, click here.



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We had a nice nap after the show and decided to walk to the Lower East Side to catch some dinner at the Fat Radish. About half way down, we got caught in a nasty rain storm, but we made it. Yummers!

Friday we ventured back to Chelsea to check out the High Line. Just a block away from our hotel, we ran into JIMMY MAC! So awesome…

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We walked through some great neighborhoods, day dreaming about living in NYC.

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We ended up at the Chelsea Markets and met cousin Ben for lunch while on his lunch break from shooting a TV show. It was great to catch up and talk babies, as they have a little boy arriving in October. Then we cruised back to the hotel for one more pump before getting on the plane.

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The car service NBC scheduled was an hour late so we ended up missing our flight. Such a bummer but we made it home a day late and I have never been so happy to see Page. Sienna was a great traveler, such a fun trip!!! Thanks to Grandma Sam for watching the Pagie back home!!

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Uhoh, what did i do? Hottest Dad Contest?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

What is a bored housewife to do all day? Well, enter her hot husband into “Hot Dads” contests, of course!

About a month ago, I was lurking on Twitter… I follow a woman here in SF who owns Red Tricycle, a great blog for parents. She retweeted the iVillage’s Hot Dads Contest so I checked out the link and checked out the Dads and thought, “Hey, Brendan is super hot”, LOL. So, I entered this pic into the Hottest Newbie Dad Category. It is one of my favorite pics of Brendan right after Page was born. I didn’t think much of the contest until today when I received an email from someone at NBC that said the photo of Brendan won his category and would we be available to fly to NYC to be on the Today Show??? Oh no, what did I do? I should probably tell Brendan I did this, he is going to be soooooo embarrassed.

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We find out Wednesday if Brendan is one of 4 finalists, as of now he is one of nine semi-finalists. Next stop would be a trip to NYC to be on the Today Show where they announce the winner. If he wins, we would get a week trip to the Scrub Island Resort in the British Virgin Islands! Ok, that would be awesome. Worth a little embarrassment on his end, right? If nothing else we get a free trip to NYC and lots to laugh about… Oh my goodness, what did I do…