Archive for the ‘Ball and Chain’ Category

Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I am the luckiest girl alive. Happy Anniversary my love! We are all smiles after a wonderful solo date night at Station 1 in Woodside…


Thankfully the girls are in good hands with Tata and Nastya!!

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Go Daddy!

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Brendan did the Gatos Hill Crit on Saturday and did pretty well for his first time. The course was 14 laps around one of the more beautiful neighborhoods in Los Gatos and included a brutal 22% climb. Page had so much fun dressing up in her biking outfit and ringing her bell to cheer in Daddy! According to Page, her and Dad were BFF’s that day because they had matching outfits.

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Thursday, December 13th, 2012

We think we figured out to travel cross the Pacific to Australia… Stop in Fiji along the way!

The three of us spent 5 wonderful days in Natadola Bay, Fiji, on our way to Australia. The jet lag was minimal as we traveled overnight and there were just a few hours difference (minus a day). It was extremely relaxing. My heart swelled to enormous proportions a few times… Watching Brendan and Page swim the local kids, snorkeling with the blue starfishies, watching Brendan drink Kava while the local villagers sang Page into a trance… I didn’t get pics of the best moments, but here are a few favorites.

Tuckered out on the first day

Our little hut on the beach

Our front yard

Beach to the south

Beach to the north

Happy Dad

Fiji Flower


Birthday Day Date

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

For Brendan’s Birthday we decided to have a “Day Date”. We dropped the monkey off at school and split to the City. We had a fabulous breakfast at Tartine Cafe in the Mission.

We then ventured off to Lands End and took a lovely hike to Ocean Beach.

And time for the 18 week bump pic! I am feeling BIG!  Also a nice pic of the birthday boy looking as charming as ever… Last stop was to the WaterBar for oysters! We left the City by 4 and made it back to school to pick up the little one. Its nice to spend the day away for ourselves, but we sure missed her!



Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Nothing like waking up on a freezing cold morning and deciding to do a 3,400 foot climb race in 33 minutes. Ouch!


Soccer Girl!

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

Brendan and I attended an art show and had a few moments before we took Page to Tata’s to explore the grounds. I think Page is ready for soccer classes!

Watch out Poppy!

Announcing a new addition!

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Baby #2 will arrive in late April (or so they say – my vote is for May  7th, Brendan’s is for May 12th). This is definitely a different baby. See the heartbeat here. Page was so mellow during pregnancy and this one is throwing me for a loop. Page is very excited about the baby in Mommy’s belly and likes to talk about the baby in her belly, too. One more week until the Festival I am hoping adrenaline carries me through the long weekend. The Festival is going so well, much less stress than last year. I am REALLY looking forward to the weekend after Festival when Brendan, Page and I will head up to Calistoga for a relaxing spa weekend.



Meegan & Bobby’s Wedding Weekend

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

The three of us had a lovely 4 day weekend and got to explore Santa Barbara and the Santa Ynez Valley. My dear friend from college in Durango, Meegan, got married to the equally as awesome Bobby. Page was the flower girl in the wedding. Thursday we arrived at the wedding location, Sunstone Winery and attended the rehearsal.

Page Alina happy as can be getting ready for the wedding rehearsal

The beautiful couple Meegan and Bobby

Dad looking extremely cute as usual

Joanne, Meegan’s Mom, made Page’s flower girl dress out of her own wedding dress. Her wedding dress was made by her Mom. It was really cool to see the generations come together and we were extremely proud that they chose Page to wear the dress.

Back of the dress, oh soooooo beautiful!

On Friday we ventured off to Santa Barbara. I have many fond moments of this place as it is where I would meet my Dad and brothers Cris and Cole every year for Thanksgiving. It was so fun to bring Page and Brendan here. Page loved the beach!

We made it back to Santa Ynez for dinner and dancing at the Firestone Vineyard.


The sunset was amazing!



Dad suggested ice cream when we got back to the hotel, the perfect solution to a good nights rest before the wedding!


Pep talk #1


The handsome groom, not nervous at all!


My beautiful little flower girl, a little nervous, I suspect…


Pep talk #2


Come on Dad, let’s be silly!


Princess 100%


The stunning bride


Mom walking Page down the aisle, it went well until this moment when she saw 100 eyes looking back at her. At that moment, Page said “Mama, Hugs!” and I carried her down the aisle…




The best moment…



Happy Anniversary Brendan!

Monday, May 28th, 2012

A year ago we were in snowy Tahoe getting hitched. What a year it has been. Thanks for making me the luckiest and happiest lady on the planet! xoxo

This year we ventured to Point Reyes beach, ate at our favorite oyster bar in Tomales Bay, and met some friends at our favorite pub in Mill Valley.

Happy Birthday to me!

Saturday, May 19th, 2012

We got ourselves a redhead “Australian” heeler with freckles. She is a sweetie, definitely needs some training. But so far she is a great little pup!

We are packing up the car to go camping at Big Sur and eat s’mores by the ocean. Thanks everyone for the bday wishes, we will skype when we get back Sunday night.