Archive for the ‘Life in the Santa Cruz Mts’ Category

Santa Cruz Sunday

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

My Boo… Sunday’s in Santa Cruz are the best. Hop on the 17 early before the beach traffic gets too crazy, get to Natural Bridges Beach before it gets to crowded, then snacks at Companion Bakery and always a stop at El Salchichero for some of the best meats the West End has to offer. Ah Santa Cruz, every trip over the summit gets better and better.

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Happy Birthday Mama!

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

After last weekends craziness, we had a relaxing, fun birthday weekend planned. We started out on Friday catching the Tour of California roll in near our house in Morgan Hill. Brendan was excited to see Jens (Shut Up Legs) Voigt.

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Friday night Brendan and I headed our for date night to meet up with the likes of George Hincapie and Phil Liggett (Phil likes his ladies and booze), photo evidence to follow.

Saturday we rested…

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Saturday afternoon we went over to the neighbors for a fun BBQ. Page rode circles around the yard with the boys and then they all decided to take a dip in the bath.

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Sunday we went to Hidden Villa Farms for a birthday party for Baby Hannah. Page was so tired and cranky so we headed home a bit early. The rest of the day we just relaxed, our last day of Brendan’s paternity leave. It has been so great to have him home these last 3 weeks.

We got adventurous and gave Sienna her first bath. She wasn’t too chuffed.

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And best of all, I got the cake I asked for and a beautiful “Happy Birthday” song from Brendan and Page. Could life get any better than this??


Back on it

Thursday, May 16th, 2013


Alex is doing a ride to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis at the end of next month. The ride takes place back in Utah, up in the Cache Valley around Logan. It will be good for us to get back there and it is a good opportunity for Alex to get back into fitness on the bike.

As a birthday present, we got Alex a new bike yesterday, so she took it out for a lap of the lake in the afternoon –

Follow her on Strava to see her improve over the next few weeks. She’ll start off pretty easy, but as anyone who has ever rode with her knows, she will soon be pulling away from you. (especially on the flats – I still think I can beat her uphill)

As she is raising money from donations for this ride, we encourage you to visit Donate here! and make a donation. She has a birthday coming up…

Go Daddy!

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Brendan did the Gatos Hill Crit on Saturday and did pretty well for his first time. The course was 14 laps around one of the more beautiful neighborhoods in Los Gatos and included a brutal 22% climb. Page had so much fun dressing up in her biking outfit and ringing her bell to cheer in Daddy! According to Page, her and Dad were BFF’s that day because they had matching outfits.

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Sienna’s first hike – one week old

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

While Page was at school today Brendan and I took advantage of some alone time with Sienna. She has much more alert today and spent from 9-11 this morning taking in her surroundings. Today I am feeling great and decided it would be a good time to venture out on the trails. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous. We took Sienna on the Sanborn trail just above our house. Its an easy 4 mile hike to the lake and back.  Afterwards we headed to Saratoga and enjoyed a nice lunch on the patio at a main street bistro. I am going to really miss it when Brendan has to go back to work!

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The artist and the sleeper

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

We are easing into life as a family of four. The recovery process has been much easier this time around and Sienna is letting me get lots of sleep – 6 hours last night! So far she is a no fuss baby. Brendan has been running around getting the house and cars in tip-top baby shape and hopefully his allergies will go away soon so he can get in some long paternity rides.

Page has been a wonderful big sister, always helping Mom get the wipes ready for a diaper change and eager to help sort out little sister’s outfit for the day. She is very into her art projects so we bought her this fun easel to go crazy with. This piece is called “Fireworks”.

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Sienna is so sweet. Her face was pretty swollen in the days after birth, but today her eyelashes popped out and they are so dark and curly, just like Grandma Belle’s. Her eyes are a beautiful color blue, not sure if the color will stay, but it sure is fun to get a good look when she manages to stay awake which is not very long at all. Here she is doing what she does best.

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Four on the couch

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Page and I picked up Alex and Sienna from hospital at lunchtime yesterday and brought them back to the nest.

Sienna is very well behaved little girl. Even when her big sister pulls her hair. “Gently Page”

After some baked salmon we all sat on the couch together to watch Hunger Games.

We have the best neighbours

Saturday, April 27th, 2013


…and they play the banjo pretty darn good too!

Passing the time…

Friday, April 19th, 2013

We have one week left! I hope. I am done, dunzo, finished. Never again, right?! I am feeling pretty worn out, it feels like it is going to happen soon…

I have been trying to cherish the moments I have when its just me and Page. I feel bad as she has so much energy and all I can do is waddle behind her. I am looking forward to running, biking, and dancing again with her soon. I miss being active!

In the meantime we have been busy playing in the park, getting pedicures, going to the dentist, window shopping, painting pottery and eating Fro-yo!











Friday, April 12th, 2013

Every chalk line tells a story, today was a very big story.

“Shake your body, shake your body!”