Archive for the ‘Life in the Santa Cruz Mts’ Category

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

We took Page to the Roaring Fork Valley for a ride on a steam train and an Easter egg hunt. She was very excited to see the Easter Bunny Rabbit and search for eggs and chocolate. She was very sweet and saved some candy for her baby sister (or maybe she didn’t like the type of candy). She went without a nap today and this has been by far one of the easiest nights to get her down. Maybe that is the secret…

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Friday, March 29th, 2013

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Aptos Saturday and 35 week bump

Sunday, March 24th, 2013

It’s getting harder to move around. If I had my way I would be horizontal all day long. This baby has some serious strong kicks. But I am trying to not be a complete sloth so Brendan’s job is to motivate me to get out and get moving. Saturday we drove down to Aptos and met some friends at Burger. There is nothing like a good burger to motivate me these days! Afterwards we took the kiddos for a sunset walk down at the beach.

We are down to the last month, YAY! We have almost everything in place at home. We just have to dust off a few things, strollers, car seats. etc. Page has grown up so quickly, we are excited to report that we have reached two major milestones. She is now potty trained and she is sleeping in her own bed ALL NIGHT! We still struggle trying to get her to sleep. She is the master of procrastinating and it still could take up to two hours before she actually drifts off. But its a step in the right direction and just in time!

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Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 9.39.51 AMThis image captures Page’s personality, cheeky monkey!

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Screen Shot 2013-03-24 at 9.38.49 AM35 week bump! So close…

All about the tutu’s

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

Page has worn a tutu to school everyday this week. She has a school tutu, a home tutu and a dance class tutu. When we get home from school she will dance for as long as we will let her. Twirling and twirling, trying to mimic the mouse Angelina Ballerina from her favorite Netflix show. Thursday’s don’t come soon enough, its dance class day and she gets to wear the REAL tutu. After class today we are going shopping for some clothes for the new baby and of course, we HAVE to get the new baby a tutu!

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Early Spring Garden

Monday, March 18th, 2013

Brendan lugged home a car load of good soil and compost tonight so we can have a go at our early spring garden. We planted rows of peas, lettuce and carrots. We have a good couple days of rain ahead so hopefully the plants will hold!

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Thanks Wawa!

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Page spent Sunday evening with Tata and her family while Brendan and I had a rare night out alone. Wawa, Page’s nickname for Tata’s Dad, made her this cute little birdhouse. Page recently received a report card that states she loves art class at school. She could paint all day if we let her. Tomorrow we’ll hang the birdhouse in Page’s garden and see if it gets any action!


Big Sur Weekend

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Brendan and I have been reading the biography of Jack Kerouac so we thought we’d head down to Big Sur, the title of one of his more popular books, for the weekend. On Saturday, Brendan rode his bike from Los Gatos to Monterey and we met some friends at the Inn at the Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach. Wow, what a spot! Page had a ball with her buddies Jude(zilla) and Lula Belle, two other 1/2 Aussie/1/2 American kidlets. Afterwards we drove down to our little cabin in Big Sur for the night.

Bagpiper at sunset at Pebble Beach

Sunday morning we woke to the sound of the largest turkey I have ever seen begging for food and we headed to one of my favorite bakeries around, Big Sur Bakery, yummy! We then went for a 4 mile hike to the top of Buzzard’s Roost for a beautiful view of the Big Sur peaks and the sea.

On the way home we went to Carmel Valley and met up with some friends again. We stopped at Corkscrew Cafe, aslo the place we had a fantastic lunch with Grandma Anne on her last visit. Page and her buddies had a great time playing in the gardens. About 4pm came around and I just needed to get home, that darn rib pain is back with a vengeance and being horizontal is my only relief.

Page and Dad at the Bakery

31 week bump!

Page and Dad at the top of Buzzard’s Roost

Phoebe, Page, Jude and Lula at the Corkscrew garden

Good times!

Brendan remembering what its like to be with a one year old

Nap time!

Beach Bums

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Page has been home all week with a sinus infection, poor thing. Today she her spirits are way up so we ventured to Santa Cruz to soak up some sun.

30 week bump!

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

We hiked up Joseph Hill near our house today to take some pics with my new camera. Brendan bought me a gorgeous new Canon 6D for Valentine’s Day. We now have high res video so it will be fun to learn how that side of the camera works.

I hit the 30 week mark, 75% done! Overall I am feeling pretty good, my only complaint is that I am moving very slow, it took about 30 minutes longer to hike up the trail today than normal. I am still swimming a mile most days and I really hope I can keep that up. I feel like the waiting for baby game has begun. We are anxious to meet her!

Tuesday’s w/ Page

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Tomorrow is the Valentine’s Day party at Page’s school so we thought we would do something fun for her friends. We got a little carried away and decided to make “Love Bugs” for her class. Each little jar has a fun little bug inside. Holy Martha Stewart Day! Page and I are covered in glue and hearts, but we had fun. She is such a great little helper!