Archive for the ‘Life in the Santa Cruz Mts’ Category

All aboard!

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

It was Page’s BFF, Nicholas’, b-day today. It was so cute, Tim and Nora hired a train to drive up and down our canyon street. Page had a blast!

Page Alina Ballerina!

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Its official, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are now Mom and Page days where the two of us to get to explore all the fun stuff the Bay Area has to offer. I only have two more months of just having Page so it should be fun to find what activities we can dig up.

Thursday’s are dance class days. She just LOVES to wear tutu’s, we are still waiting on tights and her shoes to come, but we borrowed some from the dance school. She is in the 2.5 – 3.5 year old old Tap/Ballet class. She is the smallest, we had to sneak her in as the cutoff was to be 2.5 by last Oct., ooops!

I laughed for 30 minutes straight and met some other cool local Mom’s while there. Good stuff!

Time for Pooh sticks

Friday, November 30th, 2012

The Pineapple Express brought some rain last night.

And even more:



Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Nothing like waking up on a freezing cold morning and deciding to do a 3,400 foot climb race in 33 minutes. Ouch!


Uber cutie

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

We went for a walk near the house today. Page was in great spirits in between bouts of a high fever. Poor little thing is taking a beating lately with all the sicknesses preschool has to offer. She is now down for the count again, I hope this passes soon…

Space Girl!

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The three of us watched Felix Baumgartner jump out of the balloon a few weeks ago and Page was mesmerized. The entire week she talked about jumping out of the balloon and flying through the air. The most important part was that when she landed on the ground, Mom and Dad were there to clap for her. While the other girls in her class wanted to dress up as Snow White or Cinderella for Halloween, Page wanted to be “Space Man” and she wanted to jump out of a big pink balloon. So we named her “Felicia Baumgartner”. So fun!

Apple & Raspberry Crumble!

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

We used the last of the apples from our apple tree to make an apple & raspberry crumble, yummy!


Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Happy face!

Monstah face!


Silly face!

I wanna be like my Daddy!

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

Start of the rainy season

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Page loves waking up to the rain. That means she gets to sport her rainy day outfit of rain jacket, boots and umbrella. And she gets to jump in puddles!