Archive for the ‘Life in the Santa Cruz Mts’ Category


Thursday, January 12th, 2012

I am loving the Cowbird community! The two stories I have wrote have been featured as well as placed on the home page. Take a look, the tags are “Girls” and “Handsome”. This has helped me work on my photography again and I just love the format. Jonathan Harris is a force and so proud to be a part of this project!


Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Alex has been invited to join information artist Jonathan Harris’ latest project, CowBird, an online storytelling installation. Her first story is .

Jonathan is most famous for We Feel Fine

How do you like her story?

Adventures w/ Carson

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Peepees in the potties

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Page got a potty for Christmas. She, just now, for the first time, used it in the way for which it was designed.


Boxing Day

Monday, December 26th, 2011

Brendan stayed home today for one more day of family fun. We went into town and got some semi-ok grub at the Los Gatos Cafe. We both decided there needs to be an improved Yelp, because it def wasn’t 4.5 stars. Los Gatos, Where is our breakfast spot??

I had a 3 PM meeting in Palo Alto so we went out for an early hike to Castle Rock, top 5 hikes yet, for sure. It was a gorgeous day here, the sun is still shining on us and we’ll take advantage of it while we can. The rains will come soon!

Page was awake the whole time, signing the ‘Dohdoh Song” and then the “Mama, Dada Song”. She says “Hi!” to everyone we pass. It is the sweetest thing.

Happy Xmas!!

Sunday, December 25th, 2011

Happy Xmas friends and family! We hope the holidays have been good to you. It’s Page’s first Xmas where she gets it and she is now an expert at unwrapping pressies. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts! As of now her favorites are the tea set, her disco pants and her owl books. We love that she received so many smart toys and books!

Making Cookies

Morning coffee run

Scoping out the spring garden area around our house

I like sticks

Almost time to unwrap!

Please! I know its only Xmas eve, but Can I? Ok...

My own couch!

First pressie. takin it a little slow...

Gardening book for Mum!

How about something for me?


Pattaguchi, from Grandpa!! Perfect for the slopes.

This is challenging...

Comfy clothes from Uncle Cris!

A new potty book - goes great w/ my new potty

To Page, Love Mum and Dad

More books!

Disco pants!

We have a girlie girl! Thanks Grandma and Poppy!

Dad's pressie!

Future hipster

Last, but not least, a footie from Dad!

After Christmas breakfast (and all the pressies were opened) we went for a ride to explore Los Gatos Creek and the reservoir

Za tree

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

At this moment Page and B are dancin’ to Nina Simone… The girl can dance.


Saturday, December 17th, 2011

My little Biscuit after indulging in a bit too much dark chocolate with a nice dose of sea salt.

What Page does during the week

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

Page is lucky to have such a wonderful caregiver, Natasha! They get to spend a lot of time in the park. Its been REALLY cold here lately and Page has had to bundle up. Luckily Natasha buys her lots of cute clothes to keep her warm…

Netflix Movie Day

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

We had so much fun at Kai’s B-day party at Netflix!

Afterwards we popped upstairs to see Dada’s office. Page preferred the MAC setup. Future nerd in the making…