Archive for the ‘Sienna’ Category

My favorite pink jumper

Friday, September 27th, 2013

There are a few items I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get rid of. One is this lovely pink jumper. Its perfect timing for the fit as the days and nights are much cooler now.


5 month comparison

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013



Tuesday, September 24th, 2013










We love Nonno’s pizza!

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013


Sienna especially likes La Migliore.

Sienna’s First Bike Ride

Monday, September 2nd, 2013


Just down to the market and then rushed back to get the car to drive to the airport to pick of Grandpa and Grandma.

4 months old

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

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Daddy’s back!

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Brendan came back into town! We spent his first day on the set of THE SURFACE. We took the girls to watch the rescue Coast Guard scene. It was pretty cool to see it all come together.

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On Friday after the last day of shooting the movie, we drove up Green Bay to get in our first Packer Game. We had the pleasure of staying at Ed and my late Aunt Bert’s cabin. Such a beautiful home and nice to see her work. We ate at Kroll’s and ate gourmet butter burgers and deep fried cheese curds. YUM! After the game we went over to my Cousin Gretchen’s house and watched the last bit of the game. Page and Annie were so cute together, wish I could have a picture. We spent the next day relaxing at the cabin. I slept on and off all day, I had no idea how exhausted I was. Kudos to all the single mom’s out there, but I hope to never have to go at it alone like that again. Its such a treat to have Brendan around taking care of.




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The Italians on a lake

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

We drove up to the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan for a small get-together with our family, the Ippolite’s, Martini’s, Fear’s, and Thomson’s. The UP is gorgeous this time of year. Lots of great stories about Grandpa and Grandma making raspberries pies and ravioli’s for us. Hard to believe its been 5 years this November since Grandpa Blo has been gone. Page ran around with her cousin Mason all weekend playing in the sprinkler, playing hockey… They were so cute together. Sienna has really found her voice this week. She is squealing with delight! We even ran into a movie star…

01 Auntie Barb and Page

02 The three sisters, Erin, Kim and Michelle

03 Don and Erin

04 Chris and the loud one

05 Awwww, happy Grandpa with his girl

06 Marissa and Katie Chang, Sofia Coppola’s newest muse and star of THE BLING RING – check it out!

07 Beautiful Marissa

08 Beautiful Katie

09 Silly Evan

009 Hockey practice!

10 Too cute for words!

11 Page wrapped the towel around Mason to keep him warm, so sweet.

12 Posing

13 Having fun!

Swing sisters

Sunday, August 11th, 2013



Back to work!

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

The girls and I made it back to Wisconsin yesterday. They were both exceptional traveling partners. Sienna slept most of the plane ride and Page watched Stuart Little on the iPad. We got to Grandpa’s and settled in. I have a new found respect for single parents today, its no joke. We all woke up early to get ready for the day. The girls went to daycare, the teachers graciously called me every 2 hours to let me know Page has a new BFF, Ashley, and that Sienna was smiling when she wasn’t sleeping or eating. I am so proud of my girls, what troopers.

I am excited about the movie! Today is the start of production, I will be the Production Coordinator on the film and shooting will last 5 weeks in and around Milwaukee and Chicago. That means managing everything from daily cast and crew schedules to equipment rentals. There was a great article in Variety today about the film. Its going to be a fun adventure!