Archive for the ‘Sienna’ Category

Hands free (for a few minutes)

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Before Sienna went to the hospital a week ago she was very mellow. She didn’t need us to hold her 24/7 hours a day. Some say the first 2 weeks are the babymoon period where they are content no matter the situation. Then she got sick and with the pain and all the poking and prodding she only felt secure if she were laying on our chest on top of our beating hearts.

Today she must be feeling better, she actually fell asleep in her bouncy chair without having to be held. Its a huge relief as Brendan and I are a bit stiff and sore from living and sleeping with her on our chests and not being able to move for the past week. Its been a very challenging week, but for the moment everything is peaceful. Page and Brendan are working in the garden and Sienna is asleep. Ahhhhh….

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Poor little Sienna

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Sienna started getting fussy last night, we took her temp and it was 101. Fevers in newborns are not a good thing so we headed to the doctor this AM. She was 101.8 after we arrived so we were told to head to the ER for tests, blood work, X-rays, and a spinal tap. She has been through the ringer today.

We will stay at the hospital for a minimum of 2 days to figure out what is wrong. Hopefully it’s just a viral infection, but we will know more soon. Grandma Sam arrived this evening, just in time for some much needed help.

Update #1 – Day #2(Brendan):

Sienna had an extended stomach and they have put a tube down through her nose to relieve the pressure. The surgeon has said that they don’t need to operate on her stomach as it is ok.

She is off food for now, with an IV of dextrose and salts. Tomorrow she may be able to be back on milk.

Tomorrow we will hopefully be able to take her home if the stomach issues have gone down and she starts eating.

Update #2 – Day #2(Alex):

I am able to hold Sienna now, her fever is up and down and down again now. She is getting less fussy if I holder. She only cries every 10 minutes rather than every minute. Fingers crossed she keeps getting better.


Update #3 – Day #3( Brendan):

I just fed Sienna a full bottle of mother’s milk. Now she is sleeping on my shoulder.

Update #4 – Day #3 (Alex)

We have moved out of ICU and back to Pediatrics which is good. She still has a fever which means the antibiotics aren’t working which means she is most likely fighting a virus. What kind of virus, we don’t know. So now we wait until the fever goes down to 98 degrees for at least 24 hours before she can go home, but its still too high. But she is much better, stomach tube removed from her nose, stomach is soft, skin color is less mottled, her appetite is back and she no longer cries when touched or moved. The rest of us are doing well, too. Between GG, Brendan and I, we are splitting shifts so we can all try to get some rest. Page is loving having GG here, thank goodness for the help, it would have been very hard without her.


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Update #5 – Day 4 (alex):

We are still in Pediatrics. Sienna is doing much better, sleeping, eating. Just a little irritable when moved, but we are able to calm her. We are waiting on the Dr to arrive this morning to see what is next. Hopefully home!

Update #6 – Doc just gave us approval to go home this afternoon! Nothing has come up on the cultures so most likely this was some random virus that took havoc on her immune system and her system just didn’t have the ability to fight it off on its own. I will definitely think twice about taking her out in the coming weeks as her little body will still not be strong enough to fight off infections. Once newborns turn 2 months they are stronger, but WOW, I just may be that annoying helicopter Mom that keeps my baby away from anything and everything for the next few weeks. That was the most nerve-wracking 4 days of my life. Dad is pretty excited, baby is coming home!


My little Pixie

Monday, May 6th, 2013

Sienna is more and more alert and awake everyday, probably up to 5 hours a day. Brendan and I took her to see the movie MUD this morning, she didn’t make a squeak (and a great movie!).

Here is my little pixie this arvo soaking in the sun – and a comparison photo of Page at the same age here.

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Bedtime shenanigans

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

We are bringing Sienna into the bedtime routine. A few books in bed, a few snuggles, some monkey business and then hopefully sleep…

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Why did we choose the name Sienna?

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

While in between contractions we passed the time making some silly videos. Here I am trying to explain why we chose the name Sienna Belle. We thought long and hard about this one. There were a few contenders but this name seemed to fit the best.

Sienna’s first hike – one week old

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

While Page was at school today Brendan and I took advantage of some alone time with Sienna. She has much more alert today and spent from 9-11 this morning taking in her surroundings. Today I am feeling great and decided it would be a good time to venture out on the trails. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous. We took Sienna on the Sanborn trail just above our house. Its an easy 4 mile hike to the lake and back.  Afterwards we headed to Saratoga and enjoyed a nice lunch on the patio at a main street bistro. I am going to really miss it when Brendan has to go back to work!

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The artist and the sleeper

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

We are easing into life as a family of four. The recovery process has been much easier this time around and Sienna is letting me get lots of sleep – 6 hours last night! So far she is a no fuss baby. Brendan has been running around getting the house and cars in tip-top baby shape and hopefully his allergies will go away soon so he can get in some long paternity rides.

Page has been a wonderful big sister, always helping Mom get the wipes ready for a diaper change and eager to help sort out little sister’s outfit for the day. She is very into her art projects so we bought her this fun easel to go crazy with. This piece is called “Fireworks”.

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Sienna is so sweet. Her face was pretty swollen in the days after birth, but today her eyelashes popped out and they are so dark and curly, just like Grandma Belle’s. Her eyes are a beautiful color blue, not sure if the color will stay, but it sure is fun to get a good look when she manages to stay awake which is not very long at all. Here she is doing what she does best.

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Four on the couch

Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Page and I picked up Alex and Sienna from hospital at lunchtime yesterday and brought them back to the nest.

Sienna is very well behaved little girl. Even when her big sister pulls her hair. “Gently Page”

After some baked salmon we all sat on the couch together to watch Hunger Games.

We have the best neighbours

Saturday, April 27th, 2013


…and they play the banjo pretty darn good too!


Saturday, April 27th, 2013


