Archive for the ‘Sienna’ Category

Sienna’s Hallowe’en

Sunday, November 1st, 2015

Once again we traveled down to the Rockwellian paradise of Tait Street, Los Gatos. This year, Page was feeling a bit sick so Bindi took Sienna down by herself.




Sienna Belle

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

A quick trip to the beach today with my sweet Sienna.

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Water Baby

Friday, October 2nd, 2015


Black Mountain

Monday, September 28th, 2015


Page and Sienna went camping on Black Mountain.

Page was the official photographer.

On the way to the campsite we saw two big rattlesnakes. They were “kissing”, right on the path. We wanted to go around them through the grass, but then one of the snakes slithered off exactly where we wanted to go. So we had to go around them through the grass down the hill.

Can you see the gopher in Page’s pictures? She would pop her head up from her hole at the side of the bear box, look around, see Page’s camera, and then exit down her hole.




Tomatoes for days

Saturday, September 12th, 2015

We have probably harvested 50 pounds of tomatoes so far. Some have made their way to pasta sauce and others have made their way into Sienna and Page’s bellies. Sienna and I picked another 20 pounds today, she couldn’t resist shoving a few more in her mouth on top of a mouth full of kale. This kid is so funny.

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Birthday Girl

Monday, August 24th, 2015

For Page’s 5th Birthday she wanted to do a pool party with her friends and then a pizza party. We all met at Redwood Estates pool and swam up a storm then we came back to our house for pizza and cake. In the morning we opened her pressies. Sienna bought her a dinosaur “Raaaawwr!” Lots of legos, Barbies and her first American Doll, Grace. She was so excited. Fun day, such good kids.
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Page and her Polaroid camera

Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

Love these shots Page took at the beach! We have another photographer in the family 🙂

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Sienna’s first dance lesson

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015







So Happy Together

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

We made it home, still getting used to the time change. It was sooooo good to see Sienna and Brendan, they snuck up on us in the airport and Sienna had the biggest laugh when she saw us. Crazy how much they grow up in just a few weeks.

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We’re going on an “Abentcha”!

Sunday, July 5th, 2015

Page thinks its cool that all of America celebrates Grandma Anne’s B-day. She was wondering if Grandma could see all the fireworks all the way from Australia… Happy B-day Anne and Martin!!

Road trip! Time to take a trip to the Trinity Mts. I spent a long weekend there 10 years ago in Mount Shasta for my friends Jen and Matt’s wedding. I wanted to show Brendan the beautiful granite peaks so we made a plan to visit Jen and Matt and their family at their cabin up Coffee Creek.

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After a long and windy 20 mile drive up, we thankfully made it to the cabin. The land was settled by Matt’s ancestors who were the first to carve out a space in this rugged wilderness. Over the years they have sold off portions of the land, yet still have a square mile that includes the beautiful Josephine Lake, some very jagged peaks, meadows and a big granite cirque around the lake.

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Grandpa Craig wanted a picture of the car with the rocket box on top. Here it is in front of the cabin and one of the granite peaks. Brendan tried to climb that granite peak.

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Sienna loved running across the meadow from the cabin to our tents. Under the watchful eyes of Momma Bear and Momma Bears.

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Gillian and Miles were playing with a bow and arrow set. Page had a go and was able to hit the target, which was more than could be said for the curly-haired man next to her.

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Miles and Gillian. We first met Gillian four years ago at Alpine Lake when we were impressed that she was able to climb a mountain by herself. With Carter and Tescher genes, that shouldn’t be surprising.

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After a swim in a waterhole at the head of the Salmon River, and a bit of dinner, we hiked up the box canyon to Cave Rock wher grumpyoldtroll lives. Page wasn’t feeling well and needed to be carried. So did her little sister, yet she insisted on hiking when she could. Especially when there were some rocks to climb over.

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Jan, Jen, Matt, Miles, and Gillian under cave rock.

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After 40+ degrees on the first day, we were fortunate to have a little bit of rain, which is why those flies are hastily thrown on. The tent on the left looks a bit misshapen because the Sasquatch chewed on, and splintered one of the poles during the night.

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On the way to Josephine Lake for a bit of fishing. Miles caught four brook trout, and they were delicious.

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Bindi in her natural habitat. Brendan tried to climb one of the granite peaks one morning, and Bindi, ever loyal, followed him and wouldn’t go back to the camp. While dogs have a few advantages in the wild, climbing up granite slabs with a lot of exposure is not one of them.

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Josephine Lake. Alex and Bindi did a couple of laps.

On the way back from the lake, Matt’s Mom Jan slipped and broke her ankle after sliding down some granite that had become slippery in the drizzle.  Matt ran back to the cabin where Brendan had been with Page and Sienna, and Alex and Bindi had just arrived after their swim in the lake.

Matt and Brendan put together a makeshift stretcher with an old piece of canvas and some 4×2, and threw it in the back of the truck to drive as close to the trail as they could. Luckily on the way up, they ran into Char and other Alex who were arriving to visit for the night. Char is a doctor. The four of them carried the makeshift stretcher up and over boulders to the trail where Jan was sitting in pain by a river crossing.

After a cursory check by Char, the seven people with her, slid Jan onto the stretcher on a piece of wood that functioned as a bridge between two boulders over the river.

Although there is a trail from the lake to the cabin, it is very rough and involves a lot of clambering over boulders and edging down steep rooty slopes. It is across this terrain that Jan was carried, in pain, though she was very stoic. She was never dropped and the team did a great job of keeping her spirits up and getting her down to the road, into the truck, and back to the cabin.

Matt drove his Mom down to the hospital in Redding, a couple of hours away.

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Page wasn’t feeling very well, so we too drove down the mountains. We went to Weaverville for Grandma’s birthday celebrations and Apple Pie, just like she used to make.

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Page was a trooper. She had a fever, but got out and kept a smile on her face.