Archive for the ‘Sienna’ Category

Memory Lane

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Since Page is starting school in August, I wanted to show her where I went to school for K-5th grades. St. Roberts is celebrating its 100 year anniversary, its a Catholic school in the town of Shorewood where I grew up. While I am no longer a Catholic, I have many fond memories of my years there (minus the nuns w/ the rulers – they no longer have nuns or rulers). We were lucky enough to get a private tour of the school…
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This is the library reading corner. The library used to be only one room but they combined two rooms to make room for computers.
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I have many memories of the science room. We dissected frogs and pigs and made lots of experiments. They don’t dissect animals anymore…

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The school is decorated with many crosses.Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.12.20 AM

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In Milwaukee we get many tornadoes. I remember the “tunnel” where we all used to line up against the walls and put our head between or knees and pray that the storm would pass.Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.12.47 AM


This is the music room, so many memories of sitting around the circle signing songs. Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.12.55 AM

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I spent many, many hours in this room practicing piano on that exact piano. Page was able to hit a few keys. Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.13.14 AM


This is the cafeteria, I can remember the days when they served us raw mincemeat – gross!Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.13.27 AM


The gym! This is where we had our school plays. I still remember my line from The Invisible Man – “He turned his back to me, he did, the whole time, I couldn’t even get a look at his face.” All is a Cockney Dialect which I though was cool… I played many basketball and volleyball games in this gym.Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.13.42 AM


Every week we had to go to church and we sometimes went on Sunday, too. I was an alter girl during a few masses. Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.14.02 AM


The church is beautiful. I sang in the church choir up in the balcony. Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.14.10 AM


Lots of memories of the confession booth… I think they made us go in there every so often.Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.14.21 AM

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On the way home we made a quick stop to my childhood home. So many memories on Prospect Ave!
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Botanical Gardens

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

We took a quick tour of the Botanical Garden Domes in Milwaukee. The girls were able to experience the rainforest and the jungle in different domes. We spent a lot of time touching the different plants, discovering where the garden fairy lives, looking for butterflies, and we even got to get up close and personal with Aussie plants. G’Day!Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 11.02.50 AM

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Day at Lake Michigan

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

We are home at Grandpa’s for a little while. Today was the most beautiful day so I took the girls down to the lake to look for sea glass. Page and Sienna LOVE Megan and Sarah, our American “cousins”. We visited the bench that is dedicated to Megan and Sarah’s Grandma and Page & Sienna’s Great-Grandma (Lori’s parents). It was a big beautiful day after a big day of traveling… Sienna was a bit tired, asked to go to sleep very early… Missing Brendan who is stuck back home…

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Tahoe Fun

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

We had a super fun weekend up in Tahoe. Jumping in puddles, riding bikes, skipping rocks, playing w/ friends and getting nudie rudie!

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Tour of California

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Since we got engaged half way up Highway 84 during the Tour of California five years ago, we have been back to watch most years.

This year, the closest stage to our house started in San Jose, rode up through Livermore, down the back of the Diablo Range, over Mt. Hamilton and Quimby Rd. to finish on Metcalfe Road near Morgan Hill. Our plan A was to watch the cyclists go past at the top of Mt. Hamilton, the highest point of the route.

I dropped the girls and the dog at the top of the mountain, near the observatory and rode the big climb to get a feel for what the pros have to do. I was able to get back to the top in time to eat French food, drink red wine, and watch all the riders with Sienna on my shoulders, and with Page wearing her helmet and ringing the cowbell.

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2 deuxième partie

Monday, April 27th, 2015

We’ve been hoping for rain to relieve this drought.  We weren’t hoping for rain on Sienna’s birthday.  But it was forecast, and inviting a dozen adults and a mob of kids for a barbecue on our back deck was looking to be badly timed.

You’ve already seen glimpses of these pictures and know that it was a perfect day. The rain came through the night, freshened everything up, and watered the plants.


Those plants we used for some of our cooking. Alex made a very delicious Kale salad. We made strawberry mojitos and rubs and marinades with Sage, Rosemary, and Oregano from the garden which we put on a tonne of farm-fresh beef and pork we source from 5 Marys farm in northern California. Usually Alex spends the whole day at our barbies cooking in the kitchen. This time we made a big effort to prepare most of the food the day before so Alex had more time … to look after all the kids …



We allowed Sienna to open one present before her party. Sienna “gets it” this year and has been very excited all week to grab the centre of attention away from Page.  After she got to open (with Page) her first present, she requested to go to have a nap again.



Our weekend neighbours, Jake and Cassie, came over early to help us set up.




Asher, who is the son of my new CEO came over to play. Asher will be turning two too in a couple of months.



Gracie may be three, but she and Sienna always get on well.



Hannah – the camera kept following her around. I edited the pics to only include this one. The one where we can see her face under the (spolier alert) chocolate cake.



Maya lives in the neighbourhood, and goes to daycare with Sienna, where she looks out for the little girl.




The special girl and her Mom.





Meegs and the mesmerising blue eyes of Zoë.



Page already wants to marry Nick.



Alex set out a blanket on the bottom deck to get all the children to gather around and open all the pressies.





In la tradición de los norteamericanos, we had a piñata.  The tweak to the tradition was that they whacked it with a cricket stump. Same result.



When everyone went home, the next day, Sienna got a chance to play with all her toys.



Thanks to Jake, Cassie, Tim, Nora, Nick, Hannah, Linda, Matt, Gracie, Jack, Asher, Jessica, Oren, Marie, Reuben, Meegan, Zoë, Joanna, Maya, Alyce, Andrea, and Juliana for making Sienna’s birthday one of our best days at the new house.

2 Part 1

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

Page and I made yummy tie-dye cupcakes for Sienna to take to school today. She is 2 on Saturday, but celebrating today with her friends at TreeHouse. We think she kind of gets it… Saturday we have a big BBQ at home with our friends to really celebrate. As much as we need the rain, fingers crossed its holds off during the afternoon…

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Ski Trip!

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Day 1 in Lessons for Page



Getting ready for Day 2 of lessons for Page and Sienna and I went out for a skate ski


Beer (for Mom) and snickers break while we wait for Page to finish her lesson.

IMG_3865Such a silly goose in the snow!

So much faster and more confident on Day 2! Can’t wait to get out there with her.

Bagels w/ Mama

Thursday, February 19th, 2015










Messy Chops

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015