Archive for the ‘Sienna’ Category

My first time playing in snow

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014


She loved it!sienna1






10 months old – “Hiya!”

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Sienna is a very social baby and loves to smile, wave and say “Hiya!” to everyone she sees. She is making lots of new sounds but most everything is still Dada… She loves to clap, wave, steal hats and sunglasses, and she loves playing with Page. They just follow each other around, so cute.




Hot Moms in the Mountains

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Hot Mom Alex organised a weekend trip to the mountains with our friends from our New York trip, Hot Mom Julie, Monkeyfish and Hot Dad David.

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The Squaw Valley tram was worth the ride. Sienna and Alex tagged along, while Page and I skied at the top of the mountain.




Page and Monkeyfish.




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Sienna had a bit of a cold, probably due to even more teeth coming through. She perked up on Sunday, watching Page ski at Soda Springs.





Love Bug Version 2.0

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Its that time of year again! Valentine’s cards!

We went a little over board last year with the Love Bugs, but we wanted to stay with the same theme so we toned down our ambition and created something a little more doable. So fun and Page got some great practice in writing her name on the cards.



And the real life love bug 🙂


My pretty girl

Saturday, February 8th, 2014


and Page

Page’s First Running Race – Jenny’s Light Fun Run

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Page was a superstar and ran her first 1km race today. She ran the whole way! Mom and Dad (w/ double stroller) ran the 10km for a non-profit called Jenny’s Light. Its a super sad story, couldn’t help but tear up. Its an organization that raises money for postpartum depression after our friend Becky’s twin sister took her own life and also her newborn son. Ugh. But we had a blast running together. Brendan came in second in his age group and he was pushing 50+ pounds! I came in 23rd in my age group, I should probably start training!







Sienna – 9 months

Monday, January 20th, 2014

SB loves to play, eat, and go for long walks in the stroller or w/ Mom in the baby carrier. She is sitting up, crawling like a pro, standing up, walking between furniture, saying “Hi”, clapping, waving, and eating everything in sight. If someone dares eat near her without sharing, she gets VERY upset. We had her 9 month check up and she is average height, a little skinny, and has a very large head (just like her sister). Our camera is in the shop, but here are some phone pics…

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Sunday, January 12th, 2014

Thank goodness for a sunny playroom in the new house. The girls are playing so well together these days. We are slowly getting settled in. Still waiting on furniture for the main floor of the house. We are having so much fun dreaming of the possibilities. Hopefully this spring we will be able to get some work done on the exterior of the house and get the yard looking great. Fun stuff!

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Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

Thank you family and friends for the wonderful gifts this Christmas. It was a special treat to be in our new home. Page was so so excited this morning when she found that Santa ate all the cookies and that the reindeer made a mess of the carrots outside the door. She could not believe that Santa was able to fit her new kitchen set down the chimney. Overall we are extremely thankful for our new home. We miss all of you and hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day!











Xmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

Santa is coming! We need to make sure we have cookies and rum for Santa and carrots for the reindeer!

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