Archive for the ‘Nine Months’ Category

34 Week Ultrasound

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

We went to get the 34th week ultrasound today. We did the same with Page at 35 weeks and the pictures came out great. We were hoping for the same this time but the baby had her back to the camera and her head very tucked away. At the very end we were able to get a shot of her face. Eek! She is so cute!

Here is a pic at around 35 weeks for Page.


Its hard to tell if they will look alike!

30 week bump!

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

We hiked up Joseph Hill near our house today to take some pics with my new camera. Brendan bought me a gorgeous new Canon 6D for Valentine’s Day. We now have high res video so it will be fun to learn how that side of the camera works.

I hit the 30 week mark, 75% done! Overall I am feeling pretty good, my only complaint is that I am moving very slow, it took about 30 minutes longer to hike up the trail today than normal. I am still swimming a mile most days and I really hope I can keep that up. I feel like the waiting for baby game has begun. We are anxious to meet her!

Urban Hiking & 26 week bump!

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Today we had a little adventure day in the city. We thought we would do some urban hiking and explore areas we haven’t yet seen. We started at Kite Hill, then hiked up to Twin Peaks, then down to Sutro Tower, over to Tank Hill, down the Pemberton stairs and then we finished up at Seward Mini Park for the best part, a few runs down a slide designed by a 14 year old.

A beautiful day in the city, on top of Kite Hill

The long steep hike up to Twin Peaks

26 week bump pics up top of Tank Hill

Mountain girl

A little rest at the bottom of Pemberton Stairs

One of many runs down Seward Slide

It’s a Girl!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Our box of gifts arrived while we are in Australia and Grandma Anne was able to open her special pressie. We can finally let everyone know that we are having another baby girl! (Brendan would like you all to know that its ok to send bottles of single malt whiskey to him ASAP.)

Birthday Day Date

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

For Brendan’s Birthday we decided to have a “Day Date”. We dropped the monkey off at school and split to the City. We had a fabulous breakfast at Tartine Cafe in the Mission.

We then ventured off to Lands End and took a lovely hike to Ocean Beach.

And time for the 18 week bump pic! I am feeling BIG!  Also a nice pic of the birthday boy looking as charming as ever… Last stop was to the WaterBar for oysters! We left the City by 4 and made it back to school to pick up the little one. Its nice to spend the day away for ourselves, but we sure missed her!


Uber cutie

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

We went for a walk near the house today. Page was in great spirits in between bouts of a high fever. Poor little thing is taking a beating lately with all the sicknesses preschool has to offer. She is now down for the count again, I hope this passes soon…

15 week ultrasound

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

The new baby is looking like a little baby now. I was able to see lots of kicking on the ultrasound and some head scratching, too. He/she was being a little stubborn and didn’t allow the Dr. to see if its a boy or a girl for sure, although, the Dr. thinks she has a pretty good idea what it might be… We’ll wait for the next ultrasound the first week of December before we know for sure.

15 week bump

Monday, October 29th, 2012

The bump has made its debut. I am happy to report that the first trimester is over and I am feeling sooooo much better. Tomorrow is a big day at the doctors where I will get a fancy ultrasound to make sure that the baby doesn’t have any abnormalities and also take a boat load of other tests. Its probably too early to tell, but we might even find out the sex…

Announcing a new addition!

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Baby #2 will arrive in late April (or so they say – my vote is for May  7th, Brendan’s is for May 12th). This is definitely a different baby. See the heartbeat here. Page was so mellow during pregnancy and this one is throwing me for a loop. Page is very excited about the baby in Mommy’s belly and likes to talk about the baby in her belly, too. One more week until the Festival I am hoping adrenaline carries me through the long weekend. The Festival is going so well, much less stress than last year. I am REALLY looking forward to the weekend after Festival when Brendan, Page and I will head up to Calistoga for a relaxing spa weekend.



Healthy baby girl!

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

3:07am 51cm 3.4kg