Archive for the ‘Nine Months’ Category

We are at the hospital

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

I’ll try to keep this post updated. All well so far. Little girl is doing just fine so far. Nurse is checking her heartbeat.

Alex is looking fantastic in her hospital gown with colourful moon and stars splattered over it.

It’s a beautiful day here in Stanford. Not a cloud in the sky.

Her water has broken. The plan is to be induced at 11:30am if we need to. Contractions are at 7 minutes apart right now. Alex is not in any pain. The monitor shows when the contractions are rather than Alex screaming. She is so tough.

Contractions are at two minutes. This means that Alex gets a minute of relief.

Alex’s Mom, Carson, and Cole were in earlier and brought some flowers and smuggled in some chocolate. We’ll see them again later this afternoon.

Baby’s heart rate is steady at 140. All going well.

Just had an epidural. Alex is in love with her anesthesiologist, who is from Dutch and has a very big moustache.

Not much happening right now. There was a major crisis earlier with a lost dog, but she was found safe and sound in the middle of Middlefield Road and will have a night with some new friends in the local dog pound.

Contractions are coming regularly. At this pace we are looking for an early morning birth, probably in five hours from now.

Alex is now in the stirrups. She will start pushing soon.

No cervix.

Pushing is trickier than it sounds.

I am getting good at counting to ten.

Sam has now taken over the counting. She is really good too!

We’re all waiting for you

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Alex is still doing fine physically. We have the odd moments of pain, but no final contractions just yet.

Alex can set her watch from when our little girl wakes. 3pm and 10pm – “She just goes craaaaazy”. My job is to try to bore her back to sleep by talking to her.

estamos a la espera

Official due date was…

Monday, August 16th, 2010

I just got home from the Doctor and the official due date was Aug. 13. So we are a couple days past that. She has dropped a bit lower and appears to be ready. I think we are both having a hard time concentrating on anything. Fingers crossed for the 19th!!!!

Hmmm, we are wondering…

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

So… we decided that first doctor who I went to in Park City, who changed the date from Aug. 17 to Aug. 10 was obviously wrong. My doctor here at Stanford said she thought the date would be Aug. 13 based on the size of the baby during ultrasound tests, well that was wrong. So now we are going to go with the flow of the original due date of Aug. 17 and see what happens. Brendan is betting on the 19th, then the 3 of us all have b-days on the 19th, easier to remember. So, we are off to try and distract ourselves with a picnic with Mom and Carson at Montebello Vineyard.

Sweet Babies

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Thanks to the Netflix girls!

Due date passes

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Alex is feeling fine, but no baby today.

Christmas in August?

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Yesterday felt a bit like Christmas, Nonna Sam and Tia Carson arrived finally and brought tons of pressies for the little munchkin. Score!

I have been feeling just ok. Contractions have started, but not enough of a pattern yet. Doc thinks tomorrow but something tells me next week. Who knows. My waddle is redonkulous.

Brendan installed the car seat today.

I find immense warmth as Brendan creeps along beside me at a snails pace, stopping with me patiently when a contraction kicks in. He doesn’t need a #1 Dad t-shirt, you can tell in his eyes and in his voice that he will be amazing.

The challenge has been set

Friday, August 6th, 2010

Thanks Cris!

Have we had a baby yet?

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Little P’s room is ready!

Friday, July 30th, 2010

I think I just had a crazy nesting fix. Maybe that means she is coming soon!? We have most of her room put together, we are just waiting on some art pieces and an armoire and we should be all set.

We are a little nervous to put anything above her bed in case of an earthquake, we had one in the area just last week.
I can just picture her smilin’ sweetly at us in the mornings, or crying…

Probably the only time I will ever think diapers are cute. Eek! They are so tiny!! We decided on a diaper service but these will do for the first few days. She’ll go through 12 a day?? Oy vey…