Archive for the ‘Nine Months’ Category

38 week bump and our last weekend alone evah

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Brendan and I were chillin’ at home on the couch last Thursday night when we realized that we had just one more weekend left alone, just the two of us. My Mom and little sister are coming this weekend from Mexico to spend the month of August in San Francisco. And Baby P will show up shortly after they arrive… It was this realization that brought on a slight panic attack and closing of the throat and the decision that we needed get out of town for a night.

We drove north on Highway 1, snaking through Marin County and up onto the Sonoma Coast. As soon as we hit the top of Marin County, we hit fog. Apparently July and August are the worst months to visit the coast. Then we ventured down into the coastal towns of Stinson Beach, Point Reyes and our final destination of Bodega Bay. Bodega Bay was the sleepy little coastal town where Alfred Hitchcock shot The Birds. It had a bit of a creepy feel to it but I quickly forgot once I settled into my massage pressie from Brendan. Ahhhhhhh… You have no idea how badly I needed that and it was the best massage evah.

The old saying “The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer in San Francisco” proved true. Our idea of a dinner picnic on the beach to watch the sunset turned into a seafood dinner in and a cozy night curled up next to the fire in our room watching Sideways, which we thought they must have on constant repeat due to the fact we were in the heart of wine country. Slightly boring and cliche? Yes, but a welcome distraction from the panic attack rising up in my throat.

Sunday we took our time in the morning. Brendan ate enough breakfast for four people as usual and we ventured off to find the picture perfect beach I had seen on the internets. My masseuse recommended Shell Snake Beach. Really? Well, we took some silly pictures and had some laughs and then Brendan got hungry again and we went to find one of the Oyster shacks we had seen on the way up. Yum! Fresh raw and BBQ oysters, crab sandwich, clam chowder and a special appearance by Steve Zissou. Oh, the many hipsters you will find in and around San Francisco. With our bellies full we hopped back into the car and back into sunny Palo Alto. The next time we venture out there will be three of us. Crazy. And I cannot wait.

Soon to be Superstar


Tell me how you really feel

The countdown begins

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

It’s official, we are having a baby and I have cankles and I waddle. My half mile walk to work may as well be the 30 mile (49 km) Grand Canyon day hike I did just one short year ago (Brendan ran the 50 miles (81 km)). My lungs have disappeared under my ribs somewhere making the one flight of stairs to my office seem like the 6000 foot (1828 meter) acsent from the Colorado River to the rim of the North Canyon. My iPhone apps have graduated from “What to Expect When You are Expecting” to “Labor and Contraction Timer”. We have purchased everything from baby wipe warmers to size 1 Havaianas butterfly flip flops. We have a suitcase prepared and the quickest route to the hospital mapped out. And now we wait.

I will admit most of the time I wish these last few weeks would just hurry up and be over with. But secretly its these last few weeks I cherish, hanging out with my best friend for hours at a time daydreaming about what life will be like when all the aches and pains fade away. A mix of nervousness and excitement. Oh, the places we will go…

35 week Ultrasound

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

She weighs 5 pounds (2.25kg) and we think she’s pretty cute.

Baby Shower

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

While we were in Durango, my dear friends put together a baby shower for us. It was really great to see everyone. The party was at Mark and Sarah’s beautiful house in the valley. We had a BBQ in the backyard. All men, kids, and dogs were welcome. That was our kind of party! We got tons of great gifts. Thank you!!!

Me and B - Happy!


CrisAnn and Steve - the best neighbors ever!

Anne-Britt and Emily - great old friends.

Mark manning the grill - such yummy food!

Kennan and Cheryl

B and his BFF Jaquito

Steve, Nora and Matt

Cheryl, Roan Berry and B


Thoughtful gift from Dylan

Hound dog - PacoMan

33 week

Monday, June 21st, 2010

31 week ultrasound

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

I went in for the 31 week ultrasound today. She weighs 4 pounds and is healthy. The doc said everything looks perfect. She has the chubbiest cheeks (like her Mom) and the fattest toes (like her Dad). They moved the due date up to Aug. 10 again, PHEW!

29 week bump!

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

We went for a hike around Hubbart Park in Woodside. Stopped off at the swingset – figured we might as well get used to hanging around these parts of the park…

Crib and other fun goodies!

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Our crib has finally arrived! Thanks again Grandpa, its modern and perfect and I can just picture Little P sleeping soundly (hehe). Grandma Sam and Auntie Carson also sent a box full of delightful gifts from Mexico, lots of baby sleepers and cozy sock and other fun stuffs. Auntie Barb sent us a lovely surprise of homemade baby burpers, bids and a diaper bag. I especially love the brand “Make it a Martini” stitched on the inside! Thank you all so much!!

Moving forward…

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Anxious to get out of the house, Brendan and I took a mini-adventure up to the California Delta this weekend. Brendan enticed me by saying that it was the California Riviera, but I think he meant Delta. We drove up though Oakland, passed Berkeley and into a sleepy town called Isleton, the Crawdad Capital of the World. The Delta is made up of tons of tiny islands, each lush with crops of either cherries, walnuts, strawberries, grapes, you name it. We stayed at a quaint B&B and had our choice of either the Celebrity room or the Fisherman’s room, we choose the Fisherman’s. When we woke the next day, the rainy weather dashed our hopes of climbing Mount Diablo so we decided to venture north and take a quick look at wine country. We drove through Napa Valley, letting all the tasting rooms pass us by. We made a pact to return again soon with a plan and maybe a babysitter 🙂

Road trip!

Mother’s Day Brunch in Napa Valley

The distraction was good, as the days goes by it gets easier to cope with the loss of the Haley. While snacking on a piece of cheese this afternoon, by habit, I left just a little bit uneaten that I normally would have shared with her. Remembering, I took the last bite and almost felt guilty, but it was such yummy cheese!

After work today we started to put Little P’s room together. Soon the silence will be filled with sounds of a newborn. We should enjoy the silence while it lasts…

Little P’s new friends from New Zealand, Abu Dhabi, and Australia Mexico

26 week bump

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Brendan and I took a hike up Windy Hill after work today. This little girl is getting big, 2 pounds now and gaining 6 ounces a week. Last night  I had to wake up at 2AM and snack on some dried mangoes and bananas as I was STARVING.  And she sure does like to kick. The kicking is getting quite strong and at times will make me jump in my seat. Its hard to believe we have 14 more weeks left to go.

Its been a tough few days. On one hand we are super excited about this new life that’s brewing. But our sweet little Haley Monster is quickly fading. She has stopped eating and her fire is gone.  I have been trying to spend as much time with her as I can. Lots of ear scratches and kisses.  I have been sleeping with her at night in the living room and last night she had enough energy to come over and give me a kiss. I am hoping for another one tonight.