Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Brissy Party

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The second instalment of our around-the-world-post-wedding-party landed in Brisbane on Saturday night. Again, like in Wisconsin, storm clouds threatened to make things interesting, but luckily they were all bark and no bite and we were able to have our party outdoors on a warm Brisbane night in my parent’s backyard.

Mum and Dad made huge effort to organise the venue, the caterers, chef, waitresses for us. All we had to do was to top up a bit of food and drink and put it together on the day.

Our menu:

Parmesan and anchovy palmiers
Reef fish and Moreton bay bug sausage rolls
Beef Wellington – eye fillet of beef rubbed with Dijon mustard
Layered pumpkin capsicum, zucchini frittata with cheese
Veal chipolatas with herb and garlic
Beef and caviar on pumpernickel
Mussel kebabs with walnut sauce
Goat cheese tartlets with cracked pepper and artichokes
Ratatouille tarts with feta in short crust pastry
Baby focaccia bread with prosciutto and cheese

Marinated chicken
Moreton Bay bugs
Sand crabs
Mud crab
Smoked ham

Cheese and fruit plate

Jodie’s sister Kristy made us a beautiful chocolate cake. The decorations were Golden Wattle and Red Roses, which are the floral emblems of Australia and the USA, respectively.

Who gave us a Laura Ashley throw?

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Thankyou all for your lovely presents. We have accounted for all of them except a Laura Ashley throw that didn’t have a card attached.

Who do you think gave it to us?

Poppy pops in

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Anita and Brucey joined us for a barbie in Palo Alto while they were in San Francisco on their way to Vegas. AND for Page to play with, they brought along their daughter Poppy, who is 6 weeks older than Page. Poppy is the first second cousin on the Gibson side that Page has met.

We cooked up some Wild Salmon, roast peppers, eggplant, potatoes and mushrooms, and Alex made a green salad from produce from the Saturday Farmer’s Market.

Page was been able to walk for a month, but has not been too confident about it. That is, until she saw Poppy walking. Nothing like a little bit of healthy competition to get her walking everywhere.

Page was gracious enough to share her toys with Poppy. It is so nice to see them making friends and grinning at each other.

Post in which Page goes spelunking and other feats of derring-do

Monday, September 12th, 2011

To the east of the agricultural Salinas valley is half of an ancient volcano known as the Pinnacles. The other half of the volcano stayed down in LA when the San Andreas fault started doing it’s thing millions of years ago. It was to the Pinnacles that Page and I journeyed for a weekend of hiking, climbing, ornithology, astronomy, spelunking and getting out of Momma’s hair.

We first explored the Bear Gulch caves. Page’s young eyes helped me navigate through the pitch-black caves after he forgot to bring a light. Just letting her walk in front of me saved be from plenty of shin bangs and any falls down bottomless pits. We followed them up by the Balcony caves on the Sunday. This time I brought a headlamp, which was fortunate because those caves were much more sketchy.

Page was very happy that caves are full of rocks. And rocks make loud noises when you bang them together.

Climbing is for nerds, but Page seemed to be interested.

Camping with Page is fun, and mostly easy, though there do come times when it’s very difficult to look after her and keep your camp stove from exploding in a ball of flame.

What you think Page is like

What Page is really like

We both missed Alex. There is something special about watching the full moon rise over a valley’s rim, but it would have been much sweeter if there had been three of us.


Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

A small craft warning, eighty-year old skipper. What could go possibly wrong?


We left Page in the capable hands of Jim and Lori who took her bird-watching, so we were free to spend a few hours on Lake Michigan with the Gendelmans on their yacht “Bacchanale”.

It was a very relaxing sail for both of us. We let the experienced crew do all the winching and work on the foredeck while we sat in the cockpit, taking it easy and eating grapes in true Bacchanalia.

Loves planes

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Passport Page Post

Friday, July 22nd, 2011


My best three days

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

“Dada” and “Dada” took me up Highway 4 into the Sierra Nevadas.

We checked into the Stanislaus National Forest Ranger Headquarters where I saw stuffed bobcats, squirrels, coyotes. Then we went up to camp at Wakalu Hep Yo above the class 4-6 Stanislaus River. We hiked the Arnold Rim Trail to the the San Antonio Falls overlook, did some rockclimbing, hiked up beside the Stanislaus River, avoided being shot by Korean rednecks, checked out Bear Valley, found Sarah and her family at Alpine Lake, played with Paco the “Gaga” and Sam the “Gaga”, camped on the patio of a cabin overlooking a swelling creek, hiked the Arnold Rim Trail again, had a swim in the dam, surfed on a boogie board, and watched the fire helicopters “Caca” filling up, tasted pork ribs, had a dance party, played the drums, played with Miles, helped the kids colour-in their masks, climbed a ridge above Lake Alpine, slid down the snow underneath it, got some bark, moss and a little pinecone to play with, giggled uncontrollably when my feet hit the cold water of the lake, saw a bald eagle “Caca”, danced to country music in a sweltering country bar, talked to Uncle Peter on the phone, and I was a trooper on the long drive home.

Page’s first peak

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

The Gibbos

Monday, May 30th, 2011

The weather was forecasted to be 65 degrees so we packed lightly. After the ceremony we ventured to Lake Tahoe to take some shots. As soon as we were all set up, it started to blizzard and it was freezing!! Poor little Pagie was such a trooper. I love this shot, the snowflakes and all…