Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category


Sunday, June 16th, 2013

What a fun trip to NYC! It was a bit of a whirlwind but we had a great time. We took the redeye and arrived early Wednesday AM. We were able to get into the hotel early which was a relief, pumping and traveling can definitely be tricky. We had a few hours to kill before dinner with the NBC people and other couples, so we walked to Chelsea and had lunch.

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The Today Show experience was very sweet and fun. The other Dads were really great guys. We made some new friends, Julie and David also live in the Bay Area and have a 2 year old daughter. We hit it off right away. David is a film producer and Julie works as a consultant. We are psyched to meet up with them again up in SF.

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The Today Show was a bit silly, of course, but fun. It was really interesting to get a behind the scenes look at the production. You will have to ask Brendan what he thought, but he was definitely relieved when it was over. But its a Father’s Day we will never forget. You can get a glimpse of the other winners here. If you want to watch a recap of the show, click here.



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We had a nice nap after the show and decided to walk to the Lower East Side to catch some dinner at the Fat Radish. About half way down, we got caught in a nasty rain storm, but we made it. Yummers!

Friday we ventured back to Chelsea to check out the High Line. Just a block away from our hotel, we ran into JIMMY MAC! So awesome…

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We walked through some great neighborhoods, day dreaming about living in NYC.

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We ended up at the Chelsea Markets and met cousin Ben for lunch while on his lunch break from shooting a TV show. It was great to catch up and talk babies, as they have a little boy arriving in October. Then we cruised back to the hotel for one more pump before getting on the plane.

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The car service NBC scheduled was an hour late so we ended up missing our flight. Such a bummer but we made it home a day late and I have never been so happy to see Page. Sienna was a great traveler, such a fun trip!!! Thanks to Grandma Sam for watching the Pagie back home!!

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Santa Cruz Sunday

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

My Boo… Sunday’s in Santa Cruz are the best. Hop on the 17 early before the beach traffic gets too crazy, get to Natural Bridges Beach before it gets to crowded, then snacks at Companion Bakery and always a stop at El Salchichero for some of the best meats the West End has to offer. Ah Santa Cruz, every trip over the summit gets better and better.

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Uhoh, what did i do? Hottest Dad Contest?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

What is a bored housewife to do all day? Well, enter her hot husband into “Hot Dads” contests, of course!

About a month ago, I was lurking on Twitter… I follow a woman here in SF who owns Red Tricycle, a great blog for parents. She retweeted the iVillage’s Hot Dads Contest so I checked out the link and checked out the Dads and thought, “Hey, Brendan is super hot”, LOL. So, I entered this pic into the Hottest Newbie Dad Category. It is one of my favorite pics of Brendan right after Page was born. I didn’t think much of the contest until today when I received an email from someone at NBC that said the photo of Brendan won his category and would we be available to fly to NYC to be on the Today Show??? Oh no, what did I do? I should probably tell Brendan I did this, he is going to be soooooo embarrassed.

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We find out Wednesday if Brendan is one of 4 finalists, as of now he is one of nine semi-finalists. Next stop would be a trip to NYC to be on the Today Show where they announce the winner. If he wins, we would get a week trip to the Scrub Island Resort in the British Virgin Islands! Ok, that would be awesome. Worth a little embarrassment on his end, right? If nothing else we get a free trip to NYC and lots to laugh about… Oh my goodness, what did I do…

Big Sur Weekend

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Brendan and I have been reading the biography of Jack Kerouac so we thought we’d head down to Big Sur, the title of one of his more popular books, for the weekend. On Saturday, Brendan rode his bike from Los Gatos to Monterey and we met some friends at the Inn at the Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach. Wow, what a spot! Page had a ball with her buddies Jude(zilla) and Lula Belle, two other 1/2 Aussie/1/2 American kidlets. Afterwards we drove down to our little cabin in Big Sur for the night.

Bagpiper at sunset at Pebble Beach

Sunday morning we woke to the sound of the largest turkey I have ever seen begging for food and we headed to one of my favorite bakeries around, Big Sur Bakery, yummy! We then went for a 4 mile hike to the top of Buzzard’s Roost for a beautiful view of the Big Sur peaks and the sea.

On the way home we went to Carmel Valley and met up with some friends again. We stopped at Corkscrew Cafe, aslo the place we had a fantastic lunch with Grandma Anne on her last visit. Page and her buddies had a great time playing in the gardens. About 4pm came around and I just needed to get home, that darn rib pain is back with a vengeance and being horizontal is my only relief.

Page and Dad at the Bakery

31 week bump!

Page and Dad at the top of Buzzard’s Roost

Phoebe, Page, Jude and Lula at the Corkscrew garden

Good times!

Brendan remembering what its like to be with a one year old

Nap time!

Page’s first ski!

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Our wonderful friends let us crash at their place in Tahoe over the weekend and Brendan and I had the best time taking Page our for her first ski. It was important to make it fun for her and we tried hard not to push her into doing anything. I was expecting to just see her walk around the snow for a little bit but she was so determined to go up the magic carpet and ski and she wanted to do it all by herself! (And a side note she is finally going to the potty by herself!!!!)

Getting used to walking around on the sticks

First time on the magic carpet, by the end of the day she was getting on and off by herself

First time down the hill

She is smiling!

She wanted to test out the chair lift and go for a ride, maybe next time

Page was determined to go down the hill by herself so we bought her this harness that worked out really well. She still just wanted to go by herself though…

She has the stance down!

She is ready for the lift and big hill next trip. And then we will work on our pizza pie!

Time for a snack and hot cocoa in the lodge to warm up !


Monday, January 14th, 2013

Holy smokes! It has been forever. We had a wonderful time in Australia, so many fun family get togethers and catching up with Brendan’s friends. We didn’t take too many pics. But here are a few from Brendan’s brother’s wedding where Page was the flower girl. She did great, made it down the aisle!

Backyard fun w/ Grandma Anne

Hours of fun on the bike

Aww geez, these two are so cute

Page and cousin James

Getting ready to walk down the aisle

The beautiful couple, Uncle Martin and Auntie Jodie

The gorgeous wedding party and alter

Aww, geez

Church art

Page’s favorite (and only!) cousin Jamesio

It’s a Girl!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Our box of gifts arrived while we are in Australia and Grandma Anne was able to open her special pressie. We can finally let everyone know that we are having another baby girl! (Brendan would like you all to know that its ok to send bottles of single malt whiskey to him ASAP.)


Thursday, December 13th, 2012

We think we figured out to travel cross the Pacific to Australia… Stop in Fiji along the way!

The three of us spent 5 wonderful days in Natadola Bay, Fiji, on our way to Australia. The jet lag was minimal as we traveled overnight and there were just a few hours difference (minus a day). It was extremely relaxing. My heart swelled to enormous proportions a few times… Watching Brendan and Page swim the local kids, snorkeling with the blue starfishies, watching Brendan drink Kava while the local villagers sang Page into a trance… I didn’t get pics of the best moments, but here are a few favorites.

Tuckered out on the first day

Our little hut on the beach

Our front yard

Beach to the south

Beach to the north

Happy Dad

Fiji Flower


Back to the mountains

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The Naylors invited us up to their cabin near Truckee for the weekend.

We had hoped to ski, it’s too early for that yet, so we found some snow drifts and made some snowmen, climbed up granite boulders, and went hiking. Just two two-year-olds doing our own thing.




Space Girl!

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The three of us watched Felix Baumgartner jump out of the balloon a few weeks ago and Page was mesmerized. The entire week she talked about jumping out of the balloon and flying through the air. The most important part was that when she landed on the ground, Mom and Dad were there to clap for her. While the other girls in her class wanted to dress up as Snow White or Cinderella for Halloween, Page wanted to be “Space Man” and she wanted to jump out of a big pink balloon. So we named her “Felicia Baumgartner”. So fun!