Archive for the ‘Daily Grind’ Category

Tour of California

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Since we got engaged half way up Highway 84 during the Tour of California five years ago, we have been back to watch most years.

This year, the closest stage to our house started in San Jose, rode up through Livermore, down the back of the Diablo Range, over Mt. Hamilton and Quimby Rd. to finish on Metcalfe Road near Morgan Hill. Our plan A was to watch the cyclists go past at the top of Mt. Hamilton, the highest point of the route.

I dropped the girls and the dog at the top of the mountain, near the observatory and rode the big climb to get a feel for what the pros have to do. I was able to get back to the top in time to eat French food, drink red wine, and watch all the riders with Sienna on my shoulders, and with Page wearing her helmet and ringing the cowbell.

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Basement Reno Update

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

We are so close. Just a few more finishing touches; light switch covers,  door nobs, lights, faucet, shower door. Peter was lucky to spend his last night with us in his almost finished bedroom (j/k). Unfortunately it wasn’t ready in time for him to enjoy… He is headed back home today, but first one last trip to the city…

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First Day of Daycare

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Sienna started her first day at Treehouse Daycare. She will be going 2 days a week until next fall and then 3 days a week. It has been getting hard to “work from home” so it was time to put her into a program, sniff, sniff… She was not too happy when we left. I hope she gets used to it soon, being around other kids will be so good for her. Gotta go pick her up!

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Back to School!

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014


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What Page does when Mama has a dumb idea

Monday, July 14th, 2014

So… I told Brendan I would volunteer the task of staining the 4 new decks. So for the past 5 days we have cleaned, brightened and stained all of the decks. Brendan has kindly been very supportive and helpful and is now finishing the final few hundred feet of staining. Who ever thought 39 would feel so old! I swear I have done 1000 squats.

In the meantime, Page has managed to have so much fun. She is at Nick’s house today hamming it up… Sienna has been taking lots of big naps which has helped us crank out the project. Now we just wait a couple days for the stain to dry and we can start enjoying the space!

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 9.43.59 AM And we are done!

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Crazy Hair Day!

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Its the last day of school for Page. Another year come and gone, I can’t believe it. Now what are we going to do for the summer??

Lots of ballet, swimming, soccer… We have been trying to find a theater camp but she seems a bit too young still. We will hopefully fulfill her need for drama while heading to the Los Gatos Theatre FROZEN sign-a-long screenings! I can’t wait for that…

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Perks of Netflix

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Some of the great perks of Netflix are all the awesome lunches they put on to celebrate their new ventures. Today Sienna and I met Brendan at Netflix for their launch of Orange Is The New Black Season 2. She just cannot get enough of her Daddy…



Exterior work has begun!

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Ya! Finally we are started on our renovation adventure. First off we are working on getting a new septic system in. After that we are having the earth movers flatten out the land so we can add a grassy area for the girls to play and a veggie garden. Down below we will flatten out that area a little more and will be another play area for the kids under the oaks. Hoping to get a jungle gym, swings and trampoline down there. In between that area on the existing slope we are hoping to plant some vines. We’ll see!

Here are some before photos…

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My pretty girl

Saturday, February 8th, 2014


and Page

Good Morning LA!

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

We took a family/work trip down to LA and rented a little beach house in Manhattan Beach. The girls are loving it so far!