Archive for the ‘Daily Grind’ Category

More fun w/ Tata!

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

I love getting these pics from Natasha, its fun to see what my little girl does during the day while Mama and Dada are busy working. Page is growing so fast!

Cooking w/ Nata

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Page eats VERY well when she is at Nata’s house. I do, too! Every time I drop off and pick up Page at Nata’s – their house smells of yummy homemade goods. Today I was able to sample some Ukrainian ravioli, it was so good!

Page is learning how to be a good baker. Here she is preparing the pyrojki.


Thursday, January 12th, 2012

I am loving the Cowbird community! The two stories I have wrote have been featured as well as placed on the home page. Take a look, the tags are “Girls” and “Handsome”. This has helped me work on my photography again and I just love the format. Jonathan Harris is a force and so proud to be a part of this project!

What Page does during the week

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

Page is lucky to have such a wonderful caregiver, Natasha! They get to spend a lot of time in the park. Its been REALLY cold here lately and Page has had to bundle up. Luckily Natasha buys her lots of cute clothes to keep her warm…

Netflix Movie Day

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

We had so much fun at Kai’s B-day party at Netflix!

Afterwards we popped upstairs to see Dada’s office. Page preferred the MAC setup. Future nerd in the making…

The real excitement in Palo Alto

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

The real excitement in Palo Alto has not been the film festival this weekend.

What the people truly were anticipating was the harvesting of the Jerusalem Artichoke!

From a seedling it grew to over 3 metres high.

And gave us a bucket of produce, which went well with the creamed leek and prosciutto, sweet potato, and farmer’s market chicken tonight.

We is so gormett!

Behind the Scenes of the Festival Part 1

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

These ladies are amazing!

i heart my in-laws!

Print Traffic

Print Traffic

Volunteer Orientation

Just ONE box...

Just one box...

Volunteer Orientation Part 1

The projectors have arrived!

I heard you on the radio

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Listen to Alex talk about PAIFF

For Martin & Jodie

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Where have we been lately?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I know, we aren’t updating the blog as much as I would like lately. What gives? Well, its the Film Festival and it has taken off like I could have never imagined. Its just a short 5 weeks away. We have been able to pull off some amazing sponsors and partnerships; Apple, Dolby, Adobe, Technicolor, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science, Martin ScorseseĀ Film Foundation, just to name a few. The main crew was just 5 of us and we have since hired 13 additional seasonal staff. Our office fits in well with the Palo Alto start-up culture; dogs, sisters, babies, random curious film lovers passing through. I have had to break down my awkward public speaking barrier and speak at Universities, Rotary Clubs, local schools, Intel, Netflix, etc. and the reception has been amazing. Everyone loves a Film Festival. So fingers crossed it all goes well and then we are off to AUSTRALIA for a whole month! So great ready for awesome Aussie road tripping pics as we travel the coast of Queensland starting Oct. 15. For more info on the Festival –