Archive for the ‘Daily Grind’ Category

Alex in the news

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Pagie and I are very proud of Mumma. Click the picture for the article:

Yes, she can!

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Page walked last night. Five or six steps between Momma and Dadda. Did it a few times with a big grin on her face.

We will provide photographic evidence when GranMumma works out how to turn on her camera…

Camel riding at Yerba Buena

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Tuesdays w/ Nataliya

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

Page has so much fun when she goes to Nataliya’s house during the week. They always go to the park and play.

She has this new thing where she scrunches up her to try and get a laugh at of you. It is so funny.

What Dadda does when Pagie’s asleep

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

My last few months have been consumed with redesigning the Netflix user interface. Many of you will have seen the changes by now. Many of you can’t (or if you can I know nothing…) see Netflix. So here it is:

It has been a worthwhile learning experience. Both with the technology and in dealing with changing something that tens of millions of people feel passionately about.

Birthday week

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

PAIFF had a mini film Festival at Stanford last weekend and Brendan and Page came along to support – Page was more interested in promoting the event amidst the coeds. We showed two amazing films and the filmmakers, SENNA and HOW TO DIE IN OREGON. Still thinking about each film…

My 36th b-day was today and I received a wonderful gift from Pagie – her first hand-drawn iPad experiment. Brendan has been busy pushing a new product at Netflix, but tomorrow night we get to escape for a rare date-night at Baume and live music to follow after. I also get to spend all day tomorrow just hanging out with my favorite girl. Friday’s are my favorite, after working 4, ten hour days, Fridays are all about exploring the world w/ Page. Such a treat!


Thursday, April 7th, 2011

PAIFF is off and running – we have so much support from the film community and the VC’s of Palo Alto have also taken an interest, which is very good for us. Alf and I filmed this video a month or so ago, it was hard not to laugh! How did 2 kids from Sundance get so lucky? This is the opportunity of a lifetime! Please excuse my ‘serious’ voice, I was trying to control the giggle fits…

“Sometimes it’s all too much”

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011


Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Page and I met Brendan up in the Oakland hills Saturday. It was super muddy after days of rain and freezing! But Brendan did great, finished the 50K race in 3rd place overall. Page and I did a side hike (time to upgrade the baby pack) and finished just as Dad was racing through the finish line. Oh, and his knees hurt a bit, but other than that doing great!

Uncle Ips in the house

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

What a wonderful surprise to see Uncle Cris during his 15 minutes of free time between Apple meetings and NYC fun. We are psyched on his Apple gig as that means we get to see a lot more of him in the months to come.