Archive for the ‘Daily Grind’ Category

Wombat Stew

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Page got a special delivery from Australia.

(there are still a couple of Fantales left)

Big Girl Now

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Pagie in front of some of Yiying Lu’s artwork that we have plastered all over her room.

Skye has been amazingly generous to Page, and passed on a highchair from her young son.

Our Sundance Baby

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

We made it to Sundance. Brendan is being Super Dad (and sporting a scarf) while I am off most of the day in screenings and panels. I am with the other members of PAIFF meeting up with prospective panelists, filmmakers, etc. We had a huge day yesterday where we just got word that three time Academy Winner Walter Murch (editor for The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, English Patient…) will be working with PAIFF on panel and workshop ideas (and possibly a film). He is the caliber of guest that we have been aspiring for. Next, Coppola and Lucas! I’ll send a big update soon on how PAIFF has been taking off…

Tonight our dear friends are watching Page while we head off to a screening. The movie is called Like Crazy, a love story about an English girl and an American boy. I swear Pagie will look just like the actress Jennifer Lawrence (also the lead in Winter’s Bone) when she gets older.

Working w/ the Babe – Cupertino Style

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Noone said this would be easy.

We have a big Conference for work on Friday so I have been going in everyday to try and help get things done. I have been bringing Page everyday and she has been a joy, although I must admit I get that guilty feeling when she gets restless and I don’t have time to play with her, but I just hope she doesn’t mind playing alone with her bunny bear or her squeaky zebra. She doesn’t seem to mind and all the interns get their turn trying to sooth her if things are really going south.

One of our speakers at our Conference is a documentary photographer, Doug Menuez. He is presenting his work from his collection called Fearless Genius. His work spans 15 years behind-the-scenes in Silicon Valley and documents the daily lives of engineers, venture capitalists, and marketing and PR masters as they developed new technology that challenged the world. He shipped us a box of printed cards that we were to add to the goody bags for all the guests. Browsing through his vintage shots of Bill Gates, John Sculley, and Steve Jobs, one of his images hit home. Its an image back in 1983 in Cupertino of an Apple programmer Sarah Clarke who often brought her newborn baby to work. Her office had curtains over the glass windows so her fellow workers knew when it was naptime.

My guilt seemed to melt away and suddenly it was all making sense.

Tuckered out

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Page had her first day at the PAI offices. Only in SF can I take my baby to the office. Pretty cool!

Page’s first party

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

Netflix put on a family picnic at Saratoga Springs. Page made her debut, and we took Carson along too.

Sweet Babies

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Thanks to the Netflix girls!

Who is the nerd in this family?

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Adventures in job hunting while 8 months pregnant

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A few weeks back I was browsing Craigslist for a new puppy (don’t tell Brendan). All I could find were pitbull mixes so my eye wandered over to the jobs section. I clicked on the Film category and found an interesting job listing for a Film Fest coordinator for Palo Alto. This piqued my interest so I sent them my resume. About a week later they responded and asked me to come in for an interview.

To my great surprise the Palo Alto Institute was only 3 blocks from our house. I hopped on my bike and rode over. It was a really warm humid day and when I got off the bike and climbed the stairs to the office I was a bit disheveled and out of breath. As I looked for the bathroom to freshen up, someone opened the door to the office and I had no other option but to get the interview started. All eyes in the room immediately went straight to my huge belly. So in order to ease the awkwardness in the room, I said, “Hi, I am Alex and I am 8 months pregnant and out of breath.”

The interview went really well and they asked me back to meet the remaining board members a few days later. I walked this time, giving myself enough time to get there so I didn’t appear frazzled like before. I walked into the conference room and every chair was taken by a middle aged man in a suit – about 15 of them and one woman. Everyone had a chance to introduce themselves. Apparently they were all investors from Palo Alto Investors, the company that is solely funding the Palo Alto Institute. Each introduction was peppered with Standford, MIT, Harvard, PhD, MBA… Palo Alto Institute is the organization that will be starting the Palo Alto Film Festival. Palo Alto Investors was started by William Edwards whose father was one of the founding venture capitalists of Silicon Valley. They were the guys behind Apple, Intel, Cisco, Genetech, Atari, Tandem, and many others. Wow, ok, sign me up! The interview lasted almost 3 hours and was a brain storming session on just about everything. I left there thinking, “What just happened?”

Two days ago they asked me to come back and offered me a job. For the remainder of the year, we will be building the foundations of the organization. My responsibilities will include building the website, iPhone applications, video library and database applications. Starting in 2010, we will be starting the Film Festival. How exciting to be on the ground floor and with an organization backed by a powerhouse of a corporation.

I guess I was too afraid of looking for a new job and being so pregnant, who would hire someone that late in the pregnancy game? Yes, this is going to be a huge challenge when our little one is born. But it seems too good to let this one pass me by. We will figure it out!

Dirt for Lycra

Monday, April 12th, 2010

I haven’t been able to find any good mountain biking yet, so I have taken to getting on the road by taking Alex’s bike, squeezing into some Lycra and riding west.

Palo Alto is impressively setup for road cyclists. There are plenty of bike lanes. The traffic lights can sense bikes waiting, and the Santa Cruz mountains between here and the coast have a multitude of low traffic cycling loops. I have a couple ridden and mapped out:

Note: If the video is blurry, pause and wait for the images to fully load / render.


I plan to join a group ride at 6:30am tomorrow morning. (Now that I’ve posted it, I have to do it, right?) The pros may laugh at my borrowed girl’s bike, mountain-bike apparel and lack of peleton savvy, but when it comes to that first climb…