Archive for the ‘Page’ Category


Friday, December 20th, 2013

Page, Hannah and Nic visiting Santa today! It’s a classic!

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My pretty babies

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Can you pick who’s who?


These two…

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

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Fairy Unicorn Princess

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

A couple weeks late on this one… Teething baby in the hood… Our sweet baby Sienna is beside herself with tooth pain, which is comparative to baby Page on any normal day – so not that bad. But its still throwing us for a bit of a loop.

Anyhoo… Page dressed up as a Fairy Unicorn Princess for Halloween. She had her usual Tuesday dance class but all the kids dressed up in their costumes and the moms and dads were allowed into the room to check things out. Poor thing was so nervous and was pulling a Miley with her tongue.. Sienna loved to watch the kids all dance around…

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Friday, November 1st, 2013

What a hoot to run around Los Altos with this crew. Page was a Unicorn Fairy and Sienna was a Pig.



Sporty chic or Fashion chic?

Sunday, October 27th, 2013

I asked Page is she wanted to go for a hike and she said “Sure!”. She likes to be fashionable while she hikes. Oh, and we cannot forget to take her purse with lipstick and a phone. Not sure where this child came from…


Good Morning LA!

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

We took a family/work trip down to LA and rented a little beach house in Manhattan Beach. The girls are loving it so far!






School Photos

Saturday, October 19th, 2013


Let us know if you might want some!

The artist strikes again

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Sorry for the very few posts of late. Grandpa Craig will be sending us pics from Page’s Bday soon 🙂

We have been going through some major changes, all for the good, and I am excited to share the news ASAP. Basically I have found my dream job and we need to figure out how to make it work for us. Its so crazy perfect, can’t wait to share the news.

But for now, Sienna Belle is quite the firecracker. She is still so sweet, but moving like crazy. She does not want to be on her back and prefers to be like us in sitting mode observing the world. Its only a matter of weeks before she starts crawling…

Page has been creating the most awesome works of art. While we have entered the world of the “Terrible 3’s” its quite a treat to see her personality shine. She is WAY too smart for her own good, but its oh, so entertaining at the same time…

She created a drawing and she wanted to name it after me… She likes to change up the artwork on the fridge daily. I just love to see her make her mark..

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Probably the most awesome post ever

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

My Baby skateboarding w/ fairy wings…
