Archive for the ‘Page’ Category

Tuesday’s w/ Page

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Tomorrow is the Valentine’s Day party at Page’s school so we thought we would do something fun for her friends. We got a little carried away and decided to make “Love Bugs” for her class. Each little jar has a fun little bug inside. Holy Martha Stewart Day! Page and I are covered in glue and hearts, but we had fun. She is such a great little helper!

All aboard!

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

It was Page’s BFF, Nicholas’, b-day today. It was so cute, Tim and Nora hired a train to drive up and down our canyon street. Page had a blast!

Page Alina Ballerina!

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Its official, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are now Mom and Page days where the two of us to get to explore all the fun stuff the Bay Area has to offer. I only have two more months of just having Page so it should be fun to find what activities we can dig up.

Thursday’s are dance class days. She just LOVES to wear tutu’s, we are still waiting on tights and her shoes to come, but we borrowed some from the dance school. She is in the 2.5 – 3.5 year old old Tap/Ballet class. She is the smallest, we had to sneak her in as the cutoff was to be 2.5 by last Oct., ooops!

I laughed for 30 minutes straight and met some other cool local Mom’s while there. Good stuff!


Friday, February 1st, 2013


Urban Hiking & 26 week bump!

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Today we had a little adventure day in the city. We thought we would do some urban hiking and explore areas we haven’t yet seen. We started at Kite Hill, then hiked up to Twin Peaks, then down to Sutro Tower, over to Tank Hill, down the Pemberton stairs and then we finished up at Seward Mini Park for the best part, a few runs down a slide designed by a 14 year old.

A beautiful day in the city, on top of Kite Hill

The long steep hike up to Twin Peaks

26 week bump pics up top of Tank Hill

Mountain girl

A little rest at the bottom of Pemberton Stairs

One of many runs down Seward Slide

Page’s first ski!

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Our wonderful friends let us crash at their place in Tahoe over the weekend and Brendan and I had the best time taking Page our for her first ski. It was important to make it fun for her and we tried hard not to push her into doing anything. I was expecting to just see her walk around the snow for a little bit but she was so determined to go up the magic carpet and ski and she wanted to do it all by herself! (And a side note she is finally going to the potty by herself!!!!)

Getting used to walking around on the sticks

First time on the magic carpet, by the end of the day she was getting on and off by herself

First time down the hill

She is smiling!

She wanted to test out the chair lift and go for a ride, maybe next time

Page was determined to go down the hill by herself so we bought her this harness that worked out really well. She still just wanted to go by herself though…

She has the stance down!

She is ready for the lift and big hill next trip. And then we will work on our pizza pie!

Time for a snack and hot cocoa in the lodge to warm up !


Monday, January 14th, 2013

Holy smokes! It has been forever. We had a wonderful time in Australia, so many fun family get togethers and catching up with Brendan’s friends. We didn’t take too many pics. But here are a few from Brendan’s brother’s wedding where Page was the flower girl. She did great, made it down the aisle!

Backyard fun w/ Grandma Anne

Hours of fun on the bike

Aww geez, these two are so cute

Page and cousin James

Getting ready to walk down the aisle

The beautiful couple, Uncle Martin and Auntie Jodie

The gorgeous wedding party and alter

Aww, geez

Church art

Page’s favorite (and only!) cousin Jamesio


Thursday, December 13th, 2012

We think we figured out to travel cross the Pacific to Australia… Stop in Fiji along the way!

The three of us spent 5 wonderful days in Natadola Bay, Fiji, on our way to Australia. The jet lag was minimal as we traveled overnight and there were just a few hours difference (minus a day). It was extremely relaxing. My heart swelled to enormous proportions a few times… Watching Brendan and Page swim the local kids, snorkeling with the blue starfishies, watching Brendan drink Kava while the local villagers sang Page into a trance… I didn’t get pics of the best moments, but here are a few favorites.

Tuckered out on the first day

Our little hut on the beach

Our front yard

Beach to the south

Beach to the north

Happy Dad

Fiji Flower


Uber cutie

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

We went for a walk near the house today. Page was in great spirits in between bouts of a high fever. Poor little thing is taking a beating lately with all the sicknesses preschool has to offer. She is now down for the count again, I hope this passes soon…

Space Girl!

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

The three of us watched Felix Baumgartner jump out of the balloon a few weeks ago and Page was mesmerized. The entire week she talked about jumping out of the balloon and flying through the air. The most important part was that when she landed on the ground, Mom and Dad were there to clap for her. While the other girls in her class wanted to dress up as Snow White or Cinderella for Halloween, Page wanted to be “Space Man” and she wanted to jump out of a big pink balloon. So we named her “Felicia Baumgartner”. So fun!