Archive for the ‘Page’ Category


Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Page can be a bit challenging at a certain point in the day. Before she eats breakfast its hard for her to crack a smile. But she has certainly mastered the grumpy face. Oh boy, we are in for it…

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A few minutes later, after she has had a few bites of food and she has warmed up… She said, “Mom, I’m just waiting at the bus stop for Nick, so he can take me to the dinner date. I’ll let him pick where we should go…”. I love her outfit of choice today, mandatory magic hat for the trip to the farmer’s market.

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Happy Birthday SB!

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Brendan flew to Milwaukee for SB’s birthday. It was so nice to see him after 3 weeks away! It was a warmer spring day so we took a hike down to a beach on Lake Michigan. We had some sandwich’s (Sienna had a real sandwich) and played around in the sand, such a beautiful spot. Later that day we had a small Bday party for Sienna. I can’t believe she in ONE!

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Fun w/ cousins

Thursday, May 1st, 2014


We made it to Milwaukee mid April to spend time w/ Grandpa Jim and to attend Page’s second cousin Megan’s Bat Mitzvah. We tried to spend lots of time with Megan and Sara. They are the sweetest girls and love playing with Page and Sienna. Sara is a bit of a baby whisperer, Sienna couldn’t get enough of her! We tried to have a picnic at the Audubon Center but it was toooo cold, so we went for a quick hike to the lookout tower and then back inside for some snacks. Milwaukee in April can still be freezing! Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 8.35.26 AM

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Children’s Garden

Friday, April 4th, 2014

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Spring Flowers

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014








Photo wall

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

I always wanted a large hallway wall to use as a photo wall and now we have one. Its time to go through old photos and find the favorites. Page and I thought we would take photos of Page on the empty photo wall so we can add a new one to the mix. Its way over exposed but I think she looks so pretty, those freckles pop!

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Mountain Girl Winery?

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

We are testing our first batch of wine before we make the big commitment of planting a bunch of vines. Brendan bought me a wine making kit for Valentine’s Day… So cute. I came home on V-day and Page rushed out to meet me at the car. “Mom, Mom, hearts, hearts!” Page and Brendan had laid a trail of hearts that led from the car to the downstairs bathroom where a ton of wine making equipment was awaiting. We dove into the science experiment last night and produced our first batch of Pinot Grigio. In a couple months we will find out how well we fared.

What do you like better… Mountain Girl Winery, Shady Vines, Sierra Azul Vineyards…

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Santa Barbara

Sunday, March 9th, 2014


Katie sent us some great photos from Santa Barbara over New Years, love these!

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Which way do you want to go Page?

Friday, March 7th, 2014

Maybe in Colorado people wouldn’t look at me funny for pushing a stroller uphill with Page sleeping inside and then also carrying Sienna in the Baby Bjorn. But here in Los Gatos, they look at me funny… It only lasted about 10 minutes and Page woke up ready to ride her bike which was the original goal. She is so fun to watch cruise up and down the trails on her Strider. “Which way do you want to go Page?” “Left!”

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Sledding w/ the Naylor’s!

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014


We had the best weekend up in Tahoe at the Naylor’s. It has finally snowed enough to go sledding in their backyard. Page and Nic were super charged all weekend, sledding, skiing, sledding, playing, hot cocoa… Hannah and Sienna got their intro to sledding, too. Huge props to Nora  and Tim for opening their home to us, great fun and conversations. But I still think Nora and I deserve a medal for orchestrating this sledding session. Yes, the Dad’s were out touring… But it was so worth it. Such a great time!page-nick-hug1





