Archive for September, 2010


Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Getting Page all excited for a little photoshoot for our many thank you’s we will be sending out. She is now sitting up right and holding her head up high. This morning we played for a good 30 minutes playing high five and kiss-a-kiss games. Then we went for a walk downtown and she peered at all the tall trees above. She is taking it all in…

You are how?

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

I told myself, never baby talk, would I, well, that did work not. Smiling a lot now and laughs every now and then, Page is. She does its the first thing when she wakes up and the last thing she does as she falls asleep. In happy baby mode with a bit of Yoda face in the middle there, she here is. And yes, obnoxious, I sound obnoxious. Help myself, cannot. Hmmmmmm.

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(I am hoping someone gets this)

Tuckered out

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Page had her first day at the PAI offices. Only in SF can I take my baby to the office. Pretty cool!

Duelin’ Granpas

Friday, September 24th, 2010

After the epic battle over Page in Duelin’ Granmas, we bring you the eagerly anticipated “Duelin’ Granparents II: Gougin’ Granpas”! Available Now on Netflix!

A damp squib, really. Too much smilin’, not nearly enough gougin’ – 1 star.

The Ippolite boys are in town

Friday, September 24th, 2010

My Dad and brothers Cris, Cole and Cole’s girlfriend Mandy came to town to see Page. We have been having fun hanging out and relaxing. Page is loving all the attention. Cole is like the baby whisperer… Anytime Page is fussy, Cole just works his magic on her and our happy baby is back.

There has been a lot of talk about vegemite so Brendan made up some vegemite toast for the troops to try. I think they liked it!

I miss you already Granma Gibson

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Good Mornin’!

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Indeed, it is.

One month old

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

What a month it has been… Page has been so alert the past few days. Her new favorite toy is this pink bunny she just received from her Step Great Grandparents in Milwaukee.

Who’s excited now?

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Just what the Doctor ordered

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Our dear friends Meegan and Robert came down from Marin yesterday to meet the babe. The boys got a big ride in and the ladies all went for a hike. It was such a nice afternoon. Afterwards Mama and Papa Gibson offered to babysit Page for the night so Brendan and I could go out. After we dropped off the babe, we came home, laid down for a little rest and woke up 12 hours later. So much for going out! I guess we needed to catch up on some sleep…