Archive for October, 2010

This how we (almost) roll

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Nightswimming deserves a quiet night

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Page has started moving.

Last night, we were lying on her bedroom rug, reading a book together, and suddenly she wasn’t next to me any longer. She’d swum a few strokes of backstroke to move behind me. Silently.

This morning, I wake to feed her to find that she’s left her sleeping pad behind and is now at the top of the bed.


This is how we roll

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Page and I like to walk the streets of downtown Palo Alto after I get off of work. Downtown Palo Alto is just a couple blocks away and has just about everything you could imagine. Today we went to the post office to mail Harper and Marlowe some pressies from the US to the UK, then to the bank, we hit up the farmers market and bought some fresh sunflowers and grapes. Did some window shopping since I still have a bit of baby weight hanging on and refuse to buy anything that will be too big in a couple months (at least that is what I tell myself) but, a girl can dream, right? And then headed home. She always starts off happy and alert, checking out the scenery, people and traffic, then after enough rolling and bumps she is off to sleep. I think its safe to say we all love being so close to downtown Palo Alto, this place is pretty special!

Two months!

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Reaching two months of age means that I get to pay a nice doctor loads of money to hurt my daughter.

Before they gave her immunization shots, Page was weighed and measured. She has almost reached 5 kilos, which is average, and is above average in height and head size.


Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Mornings are my favorite. Page always wakes up in the morning with a smile, she is so happy to see us. While I get ready for work I’ll bring her into our room to play with Dad. She loves to play the shark game where Dad makes shark faces and tries to chomp up her toesies. Or she loves the kitty kat game, “Meoooowwww!” always brings a smile to her face. She’ll start to doze again when its time for us to head to work. We have a nanny now twice a week, Nataliya. She is really wonderful. Although I couldn’t resist ducking out of work early today to see my girl…

Page has found her voice

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

At some point I will use all the video equipment (and videographers) I have access to on a daily basis to shoot some higher quality video of Page. Its just that sometimes its just me and her and my old iPhone and I can’t resist shooting her in the raw.

Nerd Valley Pumpkins

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Our little Pumpkin Pie

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

A big day for Page. We took her to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin festival.

She likes goats more than being propped up on a pumpkin for a photo shot.

Then on to the Half Moon Bay Brewery to celebrate Gary’s 40th. Alex’s school friends Kara and Dawn got to meet Page, and Page got to meet her first baby friend, Harper.

Granma Sam is here again

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Thanks to Granma Sam for looking after Page last night. Was so beautiful to hear the two of you cooing at each other this morn’. The big belly laughs from Page were the best ones yet 🙂

Nudie Rudie

Thursday, October 14th, 2010