Archive for December, 2010

How much longer until she crawls?

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Fail Whale

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Have you seen this before?

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 24th, 2010

What a fun first Christmas for Page. We opened our pressies on OZ time with Grandma and Grandpa Gibson. Lots of great gifts and Page seemed to enjoy ripping open the presents (and eating the wrapping paper). Thank you all for thinking of us, we hope you have a wonderful Holiday. We are hoping to get up to snow so we can use our presents, new skate skis, ski chariot, warm ski clothes for Page to ride in the Chariot while Mum pulls her, and lots more. Lots of Love and Best Wishes for the New Year! xoxo. Alex, Brendan and Page.

Snow White Boomers

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Gibson for the early Xmas pressie!

Our little Nemo

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Christmas Tree Avenue

Sunday, December 19th, 2010


Sunday, December 19th, 2010

Most babies in Palo Alto are at least passably familiar with the works of Mondrian, Klee, Lichtenstein, Picasso, and Matisse by the time they are four months old. As we felt that our little pumpkin had some catching-up to do, we took her up to the city to visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

First, lunch at Francis Ford Coppola’s Café Zoetrope.

Page pondering the future meaning behind Paul Klee’s Engel bringt das Gewünschte. (with help from Mum, of course)

Page considered this to be her favourite piece.

Pagie at the Pub

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

We found the best pub in Mill Valley! Page had fun hanging with the big kids, too.

Laughing Clown

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

(almost) 4 months old

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Its hard to believe that its been 4 months already. Everyday is a new adventure. Page has been talking so much, lots of little drool added into her conversations. I tend to have a burp rag in one hand at all times just trying to keep up with it. She is on the move constantly. It won’t be long now before she is crawling around. She has a feisty personality, so sweet, curious and active. We have our work cut out for us in the months ahead, but it is oh-so-fun!