Archive for April, 2011


Saturday, April 30th, 2011

Learning how to paddle

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Beach Baby

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

First, a nice yummy breakfast of fresh fruits. Page LOVES pineapple and papaya.

Then, off to the beach. We couldn’t keep Page from racing to water. She loves catching the waves rolling in.

And…. she’s out!


Easter in San Juan de Alima

Monday, April 25th, 2011

World Traveler

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Page was able to put her passport to use today – we traveled to Manzanillo, Mexico to visit Grandma Sam and Auntie Carson. Page was so good on the two flights, thankfully the Easter travel day meant empty seats so she was able to sprawl out and relax. We met our driver in Manzanillo and took the hour and a half drive south to San Jose de Alima. The drive was interesting, we narrowly missed a mack truck and its exploding tire and I never knew a car could so fast over speed bumps. Page was so cool, just taking it all in stride. I loved looking at the foreign countryside and before we knew it we landed in San Jose de Alima. Who knew you could get internet in paradise?

First remnant of a curl (thanks Dad)

Tuesday’s w/ Nataliya

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Weekend w/ Grandpa

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Page and I flew back to Milwaukee to see my Dad and Lori. It was a great trip! Page LOVES dogs.


Thursday, April 7th, 2011

PAIFF is off and running – we have so much support from the film community and the VC’s of Palo Alto have also taken an interest, which is very good for us. Alf and I filmed this video a month or so ago, it was hard not to laugh! How did 2 kids from Sundance get so lucky? This is the opportunity of a lifetime! Please excuse my ‘serious’ voice, I was trying to control the giggle fits…

“Sometimes it’s all too much”

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Advanced for a 6 month old…

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Mostly because she is 7 months old…

And because she is healthy, chatty, active, can sit up by herself, can crawl, can stand up, smiles, is good with her hands, and interacts well with others. Only thing missing is teeth.

For those of you outside Liberia, Myanmar or any other imperial country, she is 70 cm tall, and 7.6 kilos.