Archive for August, 2011

For Martin & Jodie

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Where have we been lately?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I know, we aren’t updating the blog as much as I would like lately. What gives? Well, its the Film Festival and it has taken off like I could have never imagined. Its just a short 5 weeks away. We have been able to pull off some amazing sponsors and partnerships; Apple, Dolby, Adobe, Technicolor, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science, Martin Scorsese Film Foundation, just to name a few. The main crew was just 5 of us and we have since hired 13 additional seasonal staff. Our office fits in well with the Palo Alto start-up culture; dogs, sisters, babies, random curious film lovers passing through. I have had to break down my awkward public speaking barrier and speak at Universities, Rotary Clubs, local schools, Intel, Netflix, etc. and the reception has been amazing. Everyone loves a Film Festival. So fingers crossed it all goes well and then we are off to AUSTRALIA for a whole month! So great ready for awesome Aussie road tripping pics as we travel the coast of Queensland starting Oct. 15. For more info on the Festival –



Fun To Be One!

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Planespotting in the morning.  What a good way to start my birthday.

Mama and Dada made me a Caca carrot cake

Us California girls love hangin out in the Sun at the pool

Pressies!?!?  I can’t wait!

Traveling in Patagucci is only way for a girl like me. Granpa knows me

A lavender dogbunny will help me get to sleep at night.  No.  Really.

Daddy knew I was a little Bevan at heart.  AkkaDakka!  Rock on!

Is this supposed to be a challenge?  For me?!!?

Thanks Natasha!  You’re the best Nanny evah!

Cake! Cake! Cake!

Cake! Cake! Cake! All mine!

Thanks Dadda.  Can you blow out the candle for me?

Body weight in carrot cake?  Piece too big for my mouth?  No problem : I’m ONE!

Its my Birthday!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Alex in the news

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Pagie and I are very proud of Mumma. Click the picture for the article:

Yes, she can!

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Page walked last night. Five or six steps between Momma and Dadda. Did it a few times with a big grin on her face.

We will provide photographic evidence when GranMumma works out how to turn on her camera…