Archive for August, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Page Alina Ballerina!

Sunday, August 26th, 2012

We awoke early on Thursday morning and decided to let Page open just a few pressies, we were hoping we could hold out until Saturday when we were having her *real* birthday party with Grandma, Carson and friends. But Page got the pressie bug and we just couldn’t stop her…

Let the Games begin!

Super blurry, but captures the moment.”Ready for more, Dada?”. “Ok, Page.”


Heaps of wonderful pressies from back home in OZ! Thank you Mama, Papa, Uncle Peter, cousin James, Uncle Martin and Antie Jodie!

Building the dollhouse from Grandpa Jim!

A new bike!

My new cool yellow Strider!

Birthday Party Balloon Patrol

Page’s bestie Nicholas

Beautiful Auntie Carson in her summer’s best

Time for cake?

Here comes Mama!

Phoebe Can’t wait!

Happy Birthday to Page!

Happy Birthday to You!

And that’s a wrap for #2!

PAIFF Program Announcement Kick-off Party

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Brendan and I had a rare night away from Page and were whisked away to the Stonebrook Castle for the PAIFF Kick-off Party. We were fortunate enough to have Brendan’s mate from school, Sebastian, visiting us so he was designated Brendan’s wing-man while I schmoozed with the attendees. It was a huge success, over 300 VIP’s in attendance. I felt like Cinderella for the night as I was loaned some gorgeous diamond earrings from our jewelry sponsor.

You can download a video of me premiering the Festival Trailer that Brendan and I worked on – it was so cool to see it on the big screen! The video is 313 MB so it will take awhile to download…

One of our Sponsors also sent me this video from a moment in our Program Announcement where I had to plug their amazing application they developed for the Festival.

All the event pics are here –

My favorite are these:

Me w/ 2 filmmakers, Betsy Franco and Kristin Kueter. Betsy is the mom of actors Dave and James Franco.


What a good looking crew! Sebastian, our recent newlywed friends, Erik and Lindsey Toth. Brendan and Erik met at Netflix, we try to hang out with these 2 as much as possible.


The boys around the Bugatti, this is what a $2 million car looks like. Wow!

Now its all about spending time w/ Grandma Sam and Carson up in San Francisco for the rest of the week and getting ready for a certain someone’s 2nd birthday!!!!

Meegan & Bobby’s Wedding Weekend

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

The three of us had a lovely 4 day weekend and got to explore Santa Barbara and the Santa Ynez Valley. My dear friend from college in Durango, Meegan, got married to the equally as awesome Bobby. Page was the flower girl in the wedding. Thursday we arrived at the wedding location, Sunstone Winery and attended the rehearsal.

Page Alina happy as can be getting ready for the wedding rehearsal

The beautiful couple Meegan and Bobby

Dad looking extremely cute as usual

Joanne, Meegan’s Mom, made Page’s flower girl dress out of her own wedding dress. Her wedding dress was made by her Mom. It was really cool to see the generations come together and we were extremely proud that they chose Page to wear the dress.

Back of the dress, oh soooooo beautiful!

On Friday we ventured off to Santa Barbara. I have many fond moments of this place as it is where I would meet my Dad and brothers Cris and Cole every year for Thanksgiving. It was so fun to bring Page and Brendan here. Page loved the beach!

We made it back to Santa Ynez for dinner and dancing at the Firestone Vineyard.


The sunset was amazing!



Dad suggested ice cream when we got back to the hotel, the perfect solution to a good nights rest before the wedding!


Pep talk #1


The handsome groom, not nervous at all!


My beautiful little flower girl, a little nervous, I suspect…


Pep talk #2


Come on Dad, let’s be silly!


Princess 100%


The stunning bride


Mom walking Page down the aisle, it went well until this moment when she saw 100 eyes looking back at her. At that moment, Page said “Mama, Hugs!” and I carried her down the aisle…




The best moment…