Archive for May, 2013

Uhoh, what did i do? Hottest Dad Contest?

Friday, May 31st, 2013

What is a bored housewife to do all day? Well, enter her hot husband into “Hot Dads” contests, of course!

About a month ago, I was lurking on Twitter… I follow a woman here in SF who owns Red Tricycle, a great blog for parents. She retweeted the iVillage’s Hot Dads Contest so I checked out the link and checked out the Dads and thought, “Hey, Brendan is super hot”, LOL. So, I entered this pic into the Hottest Newbie Dad Category. It is one of my favorite pics of Brendan right after Page was born. I didn’t think much of the contest until today when I received an email from someone at NBC that said the photo of Brendan won his category and would we be available to fly to NYC to be on the Today Show??? Oh no, what did I do? I should probably tell Brendan I did this, he is going to be soooooo embarrassed.

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We find out Wednesday if Brendan is one of 4 finalists, as of now he is one of nine semi-finalists. Next stop would be a trip to NYC to be on the Today Show where they announce the winner. If he wins, we would get a week trip to the Scrub Island Resort in the British Virgin Islands! Ok, that would be awesome. Worth a little embarrassment on his end, right? If nothing else we get a free trip to NYC and lots to laugh about… Oh my goodness, what did I do…

Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I am the luckiest girl alive. Happy Anniversary my love! We are all smiles after a wonderful solo date night at Station 1 in Woodside…


Thankfully the girls are in good hands with Tata and Nastya!!

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Monday, May 27th, 2013

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Big girl – one month old

Friday, May 24th, 2013

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Is Phil Liggett Page’s Daddy?

Monday, May 20th, 2013



Before Page was born, Alex and I would listen to the Tour de France every morning on our laptop. We used to joke that Page would think Phil Liggett was her daddy because she would have been hearing his voice so often from the womb.

When Page was newly born, we bought her a book about cycling and had it signed by the author. We told the author of the book our story so he wrote a message confirming that Phil Liggett was not Page’s father.


That was until Friday night where you can see that Mr Liggett was clearly quite enamoured with my wife. Well, either enamoured, or very, very drunk…


Happy Birthday Mama!

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

After last weekends craziness, we had a relaxing, fun birthday weekend planned. We started out on Friday catching the Tour of California roll in near our house in Morgan Hill. Brendan was excited to see Jens (Shut Up Legs) Voigt.

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Friday night Brendan and I headed our for date night to meet up with the likes of George Hincapie and Phil Liggett (Phil likes his ladies and booze), photo evidence to follow.

Saturday we rested…

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Saturday afternoon we went over to the neighbors for a fun BBQ. Page rode circles around the yard with the boys and then they all decided to take a dip in the bath.

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Sunday we went to Hidden Villa Farms for a birthday party for Baby Hannah. Page was so tired and cranky so we headed home a bit early. The rest of the day we just relaxed, our last day of Brendan’s paternity leave. It has been so great to have him home these last 3 weeks.

We got adventurous and gave Sienna her first bath. She wasn’t too chuffed.

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And best of all, I got the cake I asked for and a beautiful “Happy Birthday” song from Brendan and Page. Could life get any better than this??


Back on it

Thursday, May 16th, 2013


Alex is doing a ride to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis at the end of next month. The ride takes place back in Utah, up in the Cache Valley around Logan. It will be good for us to get back there and it is a good opportunity for Alex to get back into fitness on the bike.

As a birthday present, we got Alex a new bike yesterday, so she took it out for a lap of the lake in the afternoon –

Follow her on Strava to see her improve over the next few weeks. She’ll start off pretty easy, but as anyone who has ever rode with her knows, she will soon be pulling away from you. (especially on the flats – I still think I can beat her uphill)

As she is raising money from donations for this ride, we encourage you to visit Donate here! and make a donation. She has a birthday coming up…

Hands free (for a few minutes)

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Before Sienna went to the hospital a week ago she was very mellow. She didn’t need us to hold her 24/7 hours a day. Some say the first 2 weeks are the babymoon period where they are content no matter the situation. Then she got sick and with the pain and all the poking and prodding she only felt secure if she were laying on our chest on top of our beating hearts.

Today she must be feeling better, she actually fell asleep in her bouncy chair without having to be held. Its a huge relief as Brendan and I are a bit stiff and sore from living and sleeping with her on our chests and not being able to move for the past week. Its been a very challenging week, but for the moment everything is peaceful. Page and Brendan are working in the garden and Sienna is asleep. Ahhhhh….

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Poor little Sienna

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Sienna started getting fussy last night, we took her temp and it was 101. Fevers in newborns are not a good thing so we headed to the doctor this AM. She was 101.8 after we arrived so we were told to head to the ER for tests, blood work, X-rays, and a spinal tap. She has been through the ringer today.

We will stay at the hospital for a minimum of 2 days to figure out what is wrong. Hopefully it’s just a viral infection, but we will know more soon. Grandma Sam arrived this evening, just in time for some much needed help.

Update #1 – Day #2(Brendan):

Sienna had an extended stomach and they have put a tube down through her nose to relieve the pressure. The surgeon has said that they don’t need to operate on her stomach as it is ok.

She is off food for now, with an IV of dextrose and salts. Tomorrow she may be able to be back on milk.

Tomorrow we will hopefully be able to take her home if the stomach issues have gone down and she starts eating.

Update #2 – Day #2(Alex):

I am able to hold Sienna now, her fever is up and down and down again now. She is getting less fussy if I holder. She only cries every 10 minutes rather than every minute. Fingers crossed she keeps getting better.


Update #3 – Day #3( Brendan):

I just fed Sienna a full bottle of mother’s milk. Now she is sleeping on my shoulder.

Update #4 – Day #3 (Alex)

We have moved out of ICU and back to Pediatrics which is good. She still has a fever which means the antibiotics aren’t working which means she is most likely fighting a virus. What kind of virus, we don’t know. So now we wait until the fever goes down to 98 degrees for at least 24 hours before she can go home, but its still too high. But she is much better, stomach tube removed from her nose, stomach is soft, skin color is less mottled, her appetite is back and she no longer cries when touched or moved. The rest of us are doing well, too. Between GG, Brendan and I, we are splitting shifts so we can all try to get some rest. Page is loving having GG here, thank goodness for the help, it would have been very hard without her.


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Update #5 – Day 4 (alex):

We are still in Pediatrics. Sienna is doing much better, sleeping, eating. Just a little irritable when moved, but we are able to calm her. We are waiting on the Dr to arrive this morning to see what is next. Hopefully home!

Update #6 – Doc just gave us approval to go home this afternoon! Nothing has come up on the cultures so most likely this was some random virus that took havoc on her immune system and her system just didn’t have the ability to fight it off on its own. I will definitely think twice about taking her out in the coming weeks as her little body will still not be strong enough to fight off infections. Once newborns turn 2 months they are stronger, but WOW, I just may be that annoying helicopter Mom that keeps my baby away from anything and everything for the next few weeks. That was the most nerve-wracking 4 days of my life. Dad is pretty excited, baby is coming home!


What I want to be when I grow up

Friday, May 10th, 2013
