Archive for February, 2014

10 months old – “Hiya!”

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Sienna is a very social baby and loves to smile, wave and say “Hiya!” to everyone she sees. She is making lots of new sounds but most everything is still Dada… She loves to clap, wave, steal hats and sunglasses, and she loves playing with Page. They just follow each other around, so cute.




Hot Moms in the Mountains

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

Hot Mom Alex organised a weekend trip to the mountains with our friends from our New York trip, Hot Mom Julie, Monkeyfish and Hot Dad David.

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The Squaw Valley tram was worth the ride. Sienna and Alex tagged along, while Page and I skied at the top of the mountain.




Page and Monkeyfish.




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Sienna had a bit of a cold, probably due to even more teeth coming through. She perked up on Sunday, watching Page ski at Soda Springs.





A is for…

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014


Love Bug Version 2.0

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Its that time of year again! Valentine’s cards!

We went a little over board last year with the Love Bugs, but we wanted to stay with the same theme so we toned down our ambition and created something a little more doable. So fun and Page got some great practice in writing her name on the cards.



And the real life love bug 🙂


Pixie Dust

Monday, February 10th, 2014

The other day Page wanted to go to the Princess Store and get some pixie dust so that she and I could fly over to Nick’s house. So I took her to the store, we bought the pixie dust and we both took turns dusting each other and Page thought for a minute, “Mom, nothing is happening. We aren’t flying.” We tried to prep her that pixie dust was just pretend, but it was the saddest thing ever to watch her realize that pixie dust was not real.

She is now convinced that there is a store in San Francisco sells the REAL pixie dust.

To get some flying action in, we went to see the play Peter Pan, she just loves theater. Here we are waiting for the show to begin!


My pretty girl

Saturday, February 8th, 2014


and Page

Sienna likes bubbles

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014


We took a break from house stuff to venture to SF for the weekend. Brendan rode his bike and met us downtown. Sunday we took the girls to the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito and they both loved it. Its so fun to see Sienna’s personality come alive. She has grown so much this past month!