Archive for June, 2014

Pony Camp!

Monday, June 30th, 2014

Its been a bit rough the past week or so, both the girls caught Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Thankfully its over and Page can attend Pony Camp! She goes all week from 9-2. She was a little nervous this morning when Brendan dropped her off. I am excited to pick her up and she how she liked it!

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Casa de Qwikster

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Upper deck going in! Such a beautiful view…

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Casa de Qwikster

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

The garden area is coming along, just a little more fence work, then we add in the planters and irrigation. The steps are coming along, almost to the top and then we need to add a bit more mortar.

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Middle deck is going in and then we can finish the siding and paint.

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View from the driveway, middle deck and upper deck going in.Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 12.07.57 PM


Still waiting on the new front door to finish off the siding and painting on this wall.

Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 12.08.12 PMWe are hoping for an end of week completion on the exterior of the house and probably still a month off with the landscaping. Now if only I could convince Brendan to get an Endless Pool for the lower deck 🙂

Go Jodie Go!

Saturday, June 21st, 2014

We are anxiously awaiting news of the newest Gibbo cousin…

Welcome to the world baby George! Can’t wait to see more pics!! So happy for you Martin and Jodie! And Grandma and Grandpa, too 🙂


Tuesday, June 17th, 2014


Just in time to cheer the Socceroos home against the Dutchies!

Swim Camp!

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Page gets to spend the next 2 weeks with her BFF Nick at Swim Camp. So fun!


Casa de Quikster (Page eating an apple)

Friday, June 13th, 2014

We switched gears completely on the paint color and decided to go with a cream/beige color. We just got the gutters on today. We are still waiting on our front door so after that we will be all done with siding and paint.

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We have some pretty old growth plants in our yard and a super yummy cherry tree.

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This is the beginning of our fenced in garden. It has to be 7 feet high to keep the deer out. Page calls the deer “Angie and Jolie”. I think it should fit all our tomato plants!

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Here ya go!

Friday, June 13th, 2014

A list of Sienna words

  • Here ya go!
  • Good girl
  • Ball
  • Book
  • Dadda (everyone)
  • Momma (bottle)
  • Dogga (dog)
  • Nana (banana)
  • No no no

Crazy Hair Day!

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Its the last day of school for Page. Another year come and gone, I can’t believe it. Now what are we going to do for the summer??

Lots of ballet, swimming, soccer… We have been trying to find a theater camp but she seems a bit too young still. We will hopefully fulfill her need for drama while heading to the Los Gatos Theatre FROZEN sign-a-long screenings! I can’t wait for that…

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Perks of Netflix

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Some of the great perks of Netflix are all the awesome lunches they put on to celebrate their new ventures. Today Sienna and I met Brendan at Netflix for their launch of Orange Is The New Black Season 2. She just cannot get enough of her Daddy…

