Archive for September, 2015

Black Mountain

Monday, September 28th, 2015


Page and Sienna went camping on Black Mountain.

Page was the official photographer.

On the way to the campsite we saw two big rattlesnakes. They were “kissing”, right on the path. We wanted to go around them through the grass, but then one of the snakes slithered off exactly where we wanted to go. So we had to go around them through the grass down the hill.

Can you see the gopher in Page’s pictures? She would pop her head up from her hole at the side of the bear box, look around, see Page’s camera, and then exit down her hole.




Our brave and faithful protector

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Mama’s Hats

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Someone looks pretty cute in a beanie… I might need to consider these might be good for kids, too!

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Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 7.51.00 PMBindi – after running a marathon over the weekend… #bionicdog #dadsbestfriend


Stay tuned for Page Alina’s YouTube channel

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

Page Alina’s YouTube channel

Tomatoes for days

Saturday, September 12th, 2015

We have probably harvested 50 pounds of tomatoes so far. Some have made their way to pasta sauce and others have made their way into Sienna and Page’s bellies. Sienna and I picked another 20 pounds today, she couldn’t resist shoving a few more in her mouth on top of a mouth full of kale. This kid is so funny.

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