Moving forward…

May 10th, 2010 by alex

Anxious to get out of the house, Brendan and I took a mini-adventure up to the California Delta this weekend. Brendan enticed me by saying that it was the California Riviera, but I think he meant Delta. We drove up though Oakland, passed Berkeley and into a sleepy town called Isleton, the Crawdad Capital of the World. The Delta is made up of tons of tiny islands, each lush with crops of either cherries, walnuts, strawberries, grapes, you name it. We stayed at a quaint B&B and had our choice of either the Celebrity room or the Fisherman’s room, we choose the Fisherman’s. When we woke the next day, the rainy weather dashed our hopes of climbing Mount Diablo so we decided to venture north and take a quick look at wine country. We drove through Napa Valley, letting all the tasting rooms pass us by. We made a pact to return again soon with a plan and maybe a babysitter 🙂

Road trip!

Mother’s Day Brunch in Napa Valley

The distraction was good, as the days goes by it gets easier to cope with the loss of the Haley. While snacking on a piece of cheese this afternoon, by habit, I left just a little bit uneaten that I normally would have shared with her. Remembering, I took the last bite and almost felt guilty, but it was such yummy cheese!

After work today we started to put Little P’s room together. Soon the silence will be filled with sounds of a newborn. We should enjoy the silence while it lasts…

Little P’s new friends from New Zealand, Abu Dhabi, and Australia Mexico

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