Announcing a new addition!

September 20th, 2012 by alex

Baby #2 will arrive in late April (or so they say – my vote is for May  7th, Brendan’s is for May 12th). This is definitely a different baby. See the heartbeat here. Page was so mellow during pregnancy and this one is throwing me for a loop. Page is very excited about the baby in Mommy’s belly and likes to talk about the baby in her belly, too. One more week until the Festival I am hoping adrenaline carries me through the long weekend. The Festival is going so well, much less stress than last year. I am REALLY looking forward to the weekend after Festival when Brendan, Page and I will head up to Calistoga for a relaxing spa weekend.



5 Responses to “Announcing a new addition!”

  1. Anne Gibson says:

    Congratulations. ‘He’ looks just like Brendan!

  2. Craig says:

    Fantastic news about Liam/Leah. Hope you are feeling well Alex. Again Congratulations

  3. brendan says:

    Why the “L” names?

  4. Edwin says:

    Its a boy! – Oooh and congratulations

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