30 week bump!

February 17th, 2013 by alex

We hiked up Joseph Hill near our house today to take some pics with my new camera. Brendan bought me a gorgeous new Canon 6D for Valentine’s Day. We now have high res video so it will be fun to learn how that side of the camera works.

I hit the 30 week mark, 75% done! Overall I am feeling pretty good, my only complaint is that I am moving very slow, it took about 30 minutes longer to hike up the trail today than normal. I am still swimming a mile most days and I really hope I can keep that up. I feel like the waiting for baby game has begun. We are anxious to meet her!

One Response to “30 week bump!”

  1. GG says:

    Wow, time is flying!
    I am hoping for blue eyes this time!
    I can’t wait to meet her as well.

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