Poor little Sienna

May 10th, 2013 by alex

Sienna started getting fussy last night, we took her temp and it was 101. Fevers in newborns are not a good thing so we headed to the doctor this AM. She was 101.8 after we arrived so we were told to head to the ER for tests, blood work, X-rays, and a spinal tap. She has been through the ringer today.

We will stay at the hospital for a minimum of 2 days to figure out what is wrong. Hopefully it’s just a viral infection, but we will know more soon. Grandma Sam arrived this evening, just in time for some much needed help.

Update #1 – Day #2(Brendan):

Sienna had an extended stomach and they have put a tube down through her nose to relieve the pressure. The surgeon has said that they don’t need to operate on her stomach as it is ok.

She is off food for now, with an IV of dextrose and salts. Tomorrow she may be able to be back on milk.

Tomorrow we will hopefully be able to take her home if the stomach issues have gone down and she starts eating.

Update #2 – Day #2(Alex):

I am able to hold Sienna now, her fever is up and down and down again now. She is getting less fussy if I holder. She only cries every 10 minutes rather than every minute. Fingers crossed she keeps getting better.


Update #3 – Day #3( Brendan):

I just fed Sienna a full bottle of mother’s milk. Now she is sleeping on my shoulder.

Update #4 – Day #3 (Alex)

We have moved out of ICU and back to Pediatrics which is good. She still has a fever which means the antibiotics aren’t working which means she is most likely fighting a virus. What kind of virus, we don’t know. So now we wait until the fever goes down to 98 degrees for at least 24 hours before she can go home, but its still too high. But she is much better, stomach tube removed from her nose, stomach is soft, skin color is less mottled, her appetite is back and she no longer cries when touched or moved. The rest of us are doing well, too. Between GG, Brendan and I, we are splitting shifts so we can all try to get some rest. Page is loving having GG here, thank goodness for the help, it would have been very hard without her.


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Update #5 – Day 4 (alex):

We are still in Pediatrics. Sienna is doing much better, sleeping, eating. Just a little irritable when moved, but we are able to calm her. We are waiting on the Dr to arrive this morning to see what is next. Hopefully home!

Update #6 – Doc just gave us approval to go home this afternoon! Nothing has come up on the cultures so most likely this was some random virus that took havoc on her immune system and her system just didn’t have the ability to fight it off on its own. I will definitely think twice about taking her out in the coming weeks as her little body will still not be strong enough to fight off infections. Once newborns turn 2 months they are stronger, but WOW, I just may be that annoying helicopter Mom that keeps my baby away from anything and everything for the next few weeks. That was the most nerve-wracking 4 days of my life. Dad is pretty excited, baby is coming home!



7 Responses to “Poor little Sienna”

  1. Grandma Anne says:

    We are thinking of you all. I hope the news gets better.

  2. Jodie says:

    Oh the poor little thing:( Aunty Jodie and Uncle Martin are sending big hugs. Let us know how everything goes – we’re thinking of you. x

  3. Ayla says:

    Oh Sienna darlin’. I hope you feel better soon. Much love.

  4. Anita says:

    Poor baby. Poor mum and dad. Thoughts and prayers with you all 🙁

  5. Grandma Anne says:

    I am so pleased that the little one will be coming home.

  6. Craig says:

    So very happy and relieved

  7. Ayla says:

    Good news. \Come that 2 months. Thinking of you all.

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