Hands free (for a few minutes)

May 16th, 2013 by alex

Before Sienna went to the hospital a week ago she was very mellow. She didn’t need us to hold her 24/7 hours a day. Some say the first 2 weeks are the babymoon period where they are content no matter the situation. Then she got sick and with the pain and all the poking and prodding she only felt secure if she were laying on our chest on top of our beating hearts.

Today she must be feeling better, she actually fell asleep in her bouncy chair without having to be held. Its a huge relief as Brendan and I are a bit stiff and sore from living and sleeping with her on our chests and not being able to move for the past week. Its been a very challenging week, but for the moment everything is peaceful. Page and Brendan are working in the garden and Sienna is asleep. Ahhhhh….

Screen Shot 2013-05-16 at 12.55.04 PM

3 Responses to “Hands free (for a few minutes)”

  1. GG says:

    Wow, she got bigger since I left!

  2. alex says:

    8.9 lbs. as of today!

  3. Ayla says:

    Go Sienna!

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